Y’know, a site I sent you wasn’t porn. I was asking for that one, because signing up for that one also allowed you access to those you wished to get into. One of those package dealies.
First off, I posted then you editted it three minutes later. Secondly, looking at it in the chat, they are two separate conversations altogether from what I can tell.
Besides, you should read the rules. Looking at the whole log, I don’t think Steve tricked you, but you DID post a porn link. You can wait a day.
Euphoric Visions and vgbabes are hentai sites, and I I’m wondering if they’re going to spam attack me. I got the free key and they aren’t even that great
11<1009Steve11> 09no PMs, basara
11<1009Steve11> 09i won’t reply
11<10@09The_98411> 09Wild, trimmed, or mown?
09* 10¯11¯ 1009Nero feels loved now
11<1009KaiserBasara11> 09Why did you give me hentais
11<1009Nero11> 09KAISER SHUT UP
11<1009Steve11> 09LOL
11<1009YP11> 09LOL
11<1009KaiserBasara11> 09Euphoric visions didn’t give me hentais
11<1009devillion11> 09is going on
11<10@09The_98411> 09Basara is being weird
11<1009KaiserBasara11> 09He wnt get my pms so i’m gonna type here
11<1009YP11> 09god, I’m laughing so hard right now
11<1009devillion11> 09someone cliffs please
11<1009devillion11> 09ok
11<1009Jenna11> 09[21:59] The_984 Nicely trimmed bush| I skipped right over that…
11<1009Jenna11> 09how would I miss that?
11<10@09The_98411> 09I dunno
11<1009Steve11> 09k, what was the site URL again, basara?
11<10@09The_98411> 09But I bet you’re untamed
11<1009Jenna11> 09could*
11<1009Jenna11> 09Do wha?
11<1009YP11> 09this conversation, with Liberi Fatali playing on Winamp.
11<1009YP11> 09great combo.
11<1009Steve11> 09LOL
11<1009Steve11> 09YP, send me that song.
11<1009Steve11> 09now.
11<1009YP11> 09’kay