
Yeah, but we can also read and type sentences that make sense, in addition to playing Starcraft. I think it’s a nice trade-off.

hey i wa just saying what i thought

It seems kind of stupid that you would go into a thread two full pages long in which about a dozen people have participated and say that “no one’s ever heard of starcraft” and “who cares” and claim that playing it makes people nerds.

no no thats not what i ment. this is what i ment that if u play the game a bit much doesent that conseder u as a starcraft nerd. thats what i ment

we don’t consider ourselves starcraft nerds, we just like to play starcraft.

your still not seeing the piont that im tring to put though
play a defrent game for a change
im not saying its a bad game.
i even like but dont play much at all.
u should look though other people mind

i realy think that a bit stupid what i just wrote but ohh well

I know I shouldn’t fall for obvious flame bait, so I’ll try to be civil. I do play many other games, I have a fairly large iso collection on my home computer (as do many others of us). But SC has this tendency to keep calling me and many others back for more. In short, shut up and stop trying to troll one of the main passions of RPGC members. kids these days…

Well yes, posting in a Starcraft thread obviously means that Starcraft is the only game we play, and we play it 24/7. Jesus Christ :stuck_out_tongue:

So playing games all day is not nerd-esque, only if you play the same game. Then you’re a god damned dirty nerd.

We’re not nerds, we’re gamers.