Star Wars + Philosophy

Jedi Star Command would hunt his ass down.

Why is there no ‘Star Command’ in Star Wars, but there is in Toy Story? I think it would be great.

Star Command would be something akin to Star Trek’s Federation - an organization independent from any government (although, perhaps, strongly associated with it) that works solely in space. In Star Wars every significant force is either a space navy, ie. The 5th Fleet of the Empire, or something so seperate from any government that they house complete command within the fleet itself, ie. Admiral Daala’s Fleet.

Admiral Daala’s fleet got fucked up really fast. Also, those techno-organic things (I didn’t read this one, but I did read a preview) would make a good Star Command.

I don’t think that would happen unless Anakin acted against the Jedi or the Republic. Count Dooku used to be a Jedi and it wasn’t known that he was a Sith until he revealed himself. The Council let him live his own life, they could allow Anakin the same freedom…

Or So it seemed!

That would be the Vong. They invaded the galaxy and almost destroyed everything. They might have functioned as a Star Command because they seemed to be ruled by the commanders of their fleets.