Sprite Thread

Oh… V.V. That’s why, then.

I’m making True Love pics & sprites. Up to now all I have done is a Remi avvie, but I’ll get all the characters fully done soon. If people like the idea I may get those animations from the player character as animated gifs here.

Edit: oops, gotta repaint it to take the white spots around her.

<img src=“http://free.inkfrog.com/pix/DanteCole/DanteFury.gif” width=50 height=75>

I’ve brought back my old sprite, though it’s modified.

I’ve recolored an Edgar. Nothing much, but my favorite Recoloring of mine yet.

EDIT:I made another recolor.

Dante: I still can’t get over the fact of who your current avvie reminds me of… coughrulakircoughcough:slight_smile:

Anyways, I hope you all like my new avvie. Always thinking of myself as an Angel :slight_smile: This is probably my favorite one yet.

:hyperven: :hyperven: :hyperven: I didn’t even notice. OMG IM ORAKS BROTHER!

<img src=“http://free.inkfrog.com/pix/DanteCole/Sarrie.gif” width=50 height=75>

I’ve made a Rydia recolor. I like it.

Hmmm… Well, I’ve managed to pull this one out. It’s not much, but I like it. :slight_smile:

I decided to do some WORK and got hurt and KILLED for a moment while hunting for some new Blue Magic.

Those sprites are now included in my sheet which is here…

Here are the results, you sadistic people who need my hurt/dead sprite… Of course, I’ll add some attack sprites at a later date

Say… how exactly am I supposed to get rid of the white background by making it transparent?

Y’see, your sprite has a LOT of white in it, making it transparent too if you were to make all white transparent. Therefore, pick up a color you DON’T use (like pink) and dump the background into a pink state. Should work.

Replace the background color… got it! Just how do I make that color transparent then? I can’t seem to find the right option…

I tried editing this thingy a bit… with minor success. A better attempt tomorrow.

No… it’s Super Orakio!

Look in avatar :stuck_out_tongue:

Mabat, that’s pretty awsome!

Manus, that isn’t a sprite…

Can someone do a final fantasy sprite for me plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzz. I have no experience doing them. I will pm you if you can.

I’ll do it!

I’ll just say that I edited and added a lot of sprites to my spritesheet lately, for my LF2 char.

I’m gonna have to do the damned Geo trick…

<img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/piersonsheet.txt”>

And yeah, I know the climbing ones have no top hat, but they were hard to put into perspective, and this is my first experience with spriting.

About the only thing I hated about doing this was the white of the tuxedos. 0_o