I figured it was time to update the rules, and since I can actually post now, and have been able to since 2003, no need for that Kagon thread.
Anyone wishing to just post sprites to show off should post them in the general thread for that thing.
Anyone wishing to request sprites from either Drak or 984 shall request them via Board PM or e-mail. Just because you request them doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily make them. The 984 is notorious for not sending replies. >.>
For those that wish to lend their spriting services to others, you may create a thread on it. That thread shall be yours to post the sprites you’ve made, show off your sprites, take the initial request, etc. However, all consulting between the spriter and the sprite requester on what should be changed with the sprite should be done via PM, e-mail, ICQ, etc, NOT in the thread.
If you’re requesting some game sprites, feel free to make a thread on it. Don’t remake a new thread if no one responds to your old one, and don’t bump it up or anything. If there are no replies, then the regulars here just couldn’t find it.
Also concerning requests, do not enter request threads solely to tell them to check Google. This is a sprite forum. It is perfectly reasonable for someone to request sprite resources without looking. Getting mad at them or telling them to Google or anything like that shall be considered trolling for this board.
No general blabbering. This is a sprite forum. Take the ohsohdg chases oihsgoihds to the Free Roleplay.
Others will be added as needed, but I don’t see any new ones needed.