Special Valentine's Day Poems

Post them here, please. :slight_smile:

my heart beats upon my ribcage
trying to come out to see you
palms sweat breathing stops
my eyes drink of you

we fly into nowhere
our arms tangle
dancing in the starscape

a billion times
i could look at you anew with love
no time
could i become tired of your embrace

no water could put out my fire

i miss you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I bought these red panties
just for you.

Geez, I’m so smooth

Yeah, happy single-people-get-excluded day, ‘n’ stuff.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I like this smilie :moogle:
Because it’s cool.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
All of my base
Are belong to you

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
and so are you.


The roses are wilted,
the violets are dead.
The sugar bowl’s empty,
and so is your head!


Valentine’s Day has come at last
Valentine’s Day can kiss my ass :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh baby
Why won’t you let
me put

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Which make no sense
You’d think violet’d be its hue

Here is a real love poem, a simple ballad upon which I began working quite some time ago, but finished today:

Ballad: Abide, my Fair Mermaid

Abide, my fair mermaid, if so thee list,
That fain my tongue may play a blissful rhyme,
Those these my hands uncouth the harp have missed,
To know in cunning youth’s unstinting time.

What loom hath woven so thy mickle strands,
That as a waterfall o’er shoulder frame,
Each spun of fairy sleight in golden bands,
Th’ unsmoothùd edge or point its sting shall tame?

Or wit, what sheen’s rose purfleth hende thy cheek:
What privy beauteous craft th’ ilk stuff drew
That thou shouldst match that bloom’s enchantment meek,
Anoint’d o’ the morrow’s tears of clearest hue?

Was chisel there that round thine eyen shope true,
To hew of earthen fathoms th’ azure loft,
To fill those balls of heaven’s cleanest blue,
That winged estate thy soul bewray might oft?

And when I came thee nigh, what winsome air!
Aráby’s flow’ry breaths about thee keep,
Each drawn of draughts of meteless gardens fair,
Of rainbow hues, for royal grace to reap.

What, stint? If aught I’ve sung may naught thee list,
That should thy fairness bright and high bewray,
Then hark on this new worship done: I wist
Thy goddess soul my humble quill t’ assay.

Yea, man hath wrought of glass and wood and stone,
And set his hues and points in eyens’ windów.
Yet so is craft and skill, and framed alone
In ghostly wit, and lacketh earthly stow.

Eke thou art craft, yet framed of ’nother wright,
Yea wrought, and born, of twofold majesty,
For Hap hath quickened skill in thine own wight,
Like as that grace of royal dignity.

And soothly thou shalt live on henceforth sweet,
To earthly breathe, and live by beauty’s gift,
Yet though one day our flesh mote Hap escheat,
Thy song, like deathless seas’ flow, naught may shift.

Now spent and done is all my worship’s verse,
Yet fain thine hous’ling lips I would have kissed.
My dear complaint I will eftsoons rehearse:
Abide, my fair mermaid, if so thee list.

This poem is Copyright 2005 Percival Koehl.

-Archaic Word Explanations-

abide = stay, wait
thee list = it pleases thee
fain = gladly
know = It has more of a sense of ‘be acquainted with’ than ‘understand’. It can also mean ‘to have sex with’.
mickle = abundant, many
sleight = dexterity
point = detail, part
purfleth (to purfle) = decorates
hende = courteous, gracious
privy = secret
beauteous = beautiful; Pronounce as two syllables: ‘biu-t’yus’.
ilk = same
shope = shaped; The verb ‘to shape’ was once a strong verb like speak/spoke/spoken. Its original part participle, shapen, survives in our adjective ‘misshapen’.
azure = In addition to being the colour of the blue sky, azure is also the heraldic term for the colour blue, and is a symbol of constancy and loyalty.
cleanest = purest
estate = condition, social rank
bewray = reveal
Araby = Arabia, traditionally known for exotic perfumes.
meteless = immeasurable
stint = cease
aught = anything
naught = nothing
worship = honour, praise (the word literally means ‘worth-ship’)
wist = understood
assay = try
wrought = created, worked
eyen = eyes; I have used the old -n plural, reflecting the word’s origin in Old English eagan.
ghostly = This word has a sense of ‘spiritual’ and ‘immortal’, as it did in Old English (as gastlic).
eke = also
wright = craftsman
twofold = double
Hap = Fortune, but it might also mean ‘Nature’.
quickened = inspired, made living
wight = being, creature
royal dignity = ‘Dignity’ has a complex meaning, and basically corresponds to ‘high office/position’. It is most commonly used archaically in legal terminology and jurisprudence when referring to the ‘corporation’ of kingship in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.
soothly = truly
mote = must; the original present tense of this verb (Old English motan), was ‘mote’. ‘Must’ was originally the past tense of this verb.
escheat = In feudal terminology, an escheat is a reversion of land to the owner from someone who was leasing it, usually after the person dies.
shift = change
hous’ling (houselling) = being given communion and/or extreme unction. This image fits with the image of the mouth, which in some art (stretching back to the Middle Ages) is a symbol of the entrance to Heaven.
complaint = Somewhere between a complaint and a request; this word is common in Middle and Early Modern English and French in the language of a lover asking the beloved for something.
eftsoons = once again
rehearse = repeat

Roses are Red
Violets are Purple
Sugar is Sweet
And so’s Maple Surple

Roger Miller rocks.

Roses are red
Violets are fine
I’ll be the six
If you be the nine

Semi-Related Haiku:
Nineteen years ago
I was born with a penis
And I am sorry.

Okay, so it wasn’t related at all. I wanted to say it anyway.

I’ll post my writing exorcise from a class today to write the ‘worst sappy love poem ever’ later, although it isn’t half as funny when I’m not reading it.

Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
I know you love me,
So can I give you a nurple?


But a real poem.

A nervous glance, the flicker of eyes.
An unsure smile, a quick grin.
Grabbing hands, wringing sweat.
Thoughts racing, running in the head.

A misplaced foot, the short stumble.
A reassuring hand, thankful eyes.
Words rushing, tumbling out.
Eyes rising, meeting the others’.

A second to breathe, to think.
Steady the mind, the body.
Clear words, muddled meaning.
Delicate hands meeting, faint touches.

An electric surge, bright power rushing.
Hands grip, the world is sure.
Words strong, full of purpose.
For all time, they are with each other.

Roses are red
Violets are voilet
You’d better get ready
'cause tonight I’m the Pilot

I suck at poetry, but I rule at translations, so:

This isn’t a poem, it’s a song, one of my all-time favorites. I was translating it for Val (we often trade music) so I thought, why not post it here?

It’s about a man saying goodbye to his lover, as he goes overseas to make a life for the two of them. Hope you enjoy it. (Too bad I don’t have the actual music
 it makes it sounds even BETTER!)


DejarĂ© mi tierra por ti, / I’ll leave my land for you,
DejarĂ© mis campos y me irĂ©, lejos de aquĂ­. / I’ll leave my fields and I’ll go, far from here.
CruzarĂ© llorando el jardĂ­n, / I’ll cry as I cross the garden,
Y con tus recuerdos partirĂ©, lejos de aquĂ­. / And with your memories I’ll go, far from here

De dĂ­a vivirĂ© pensando en tu sonrisa / By day I’ll live thinking of your smile
De noche las estrellas me acompañarån. / By night the stars will keep me company
Serás como una luz que alumbre mi camino. / You’ll be like a light that illuminates my path
Me voy, pero te juro, que mañana volverĂ© / I leave, but I swear, that tomorrow I’ll be back

Al partir, un beso y una flor / At take-off, a kiss and a flower
Un “te quiero”, una caricia y un adiós. / An “I love you”, a caress and a goodbye.
Es ligero equipaje para tan largo viaje / It’s light luggage for such a long trip
Las penas pesan en el corazĂłn / The pains weight in the heart.

MĂĄs allĂĄ del mar habrĂĄ un lugar / Beyond the sea there will be a place
Donde el sol cada mañana brille mås / Where the sun will shine more each morning.
ForjarĂĄn mi destino las piedras del camino / My destiny will be forged by the stones of the road
Lo que nos es querido siempre queda atrĂĄs./ That which is dear to us is always left behind

BuscarĂ© un lugar para ti / I’ll look for a place for you
Donde el cielo se une con el mar, lejos de aquĂ­ / where the sky joins with the sea- far from here
Con mis manos y con tu amor / with my hands and with your love
LograrĂ© encontrar otra ilusiĂłn, lejos de aquĂ­. / I’ll succeed in finding another dream, far from

De dĂ­a vivirĂ© pensando en tu sonrisa / By day I’ll live thinking of your smile
De noche las estrellas me acompañarån. / By night the stars will keep me company
Serás como una luz que alumbre mi camino. / You’ll be like a light that illuminates my path
Me voy, pero te juro, que mañana volverĂ© / I leave, but I swear, that tomorrow I’ll return

Al partir, un beso y una flor / At take-off, a kiss and a flower
Un “te quiero”, una caricia y un adiós. / An “I love you”, a caress and a goodbye.
Es ligero equipaje para tan largo viaje / It’s light luggage for such a long trip
Las penas pesan en el corazĂłn / The pains weight in the heart.

EDIT: ARRGH!! Nel used the PC and forgot to log out AGAIN!! > <

Wilfredo Martinez,
Vexed Poster

Mine was a real love poem, too. sniff

But seriously, that was awesome, man. I have trouble with the more structured types of poetry, but I think I’m going to try them out when I take Creative Writing: Poetry (which I will sometime in my life).

i dig my knife into my chest
in order to do what i think is best
my beating heart, tender with emotion
i take it out, blood spills by the gallon
this pulsing organ i give to you
its kind of gross, please don’t spew
i really mean it, these shoes are new

if you accept my undying love with open arms
i’ll know its true that i really do possess charm
if you reject it with a repugnant frown
i’ll indefinately suffer from a nervous breakdown
but in the end it doesn’t matter
for in any case you’ll be flattered
or at the worst become awkward
and we will laugh and jump off a cliff

the end


I even wrote music for it!

LOL :hahaha;