Something Secret ofEvermore Inspired I whipped up in school.

There’s a course in my school (Metropolia - University of Applied Sciences) called Online Virtual Technologies, has a little bit of VR-tech, some 3D scanner usage, different publishing tools for 3D models, watched some pictures with 3D goggles (Noticed I have to go to an optician since my right eye is very nearsighted so I had to skip the 3D movie :I)

And here’s the beef: Something inspired by Secret of Evermore. It’s not much, but I thought it would be a rather nice homage to one of my fav Snes games. Sort of popped to my brain.

Ooh, shiny.

(Yeah, that’s my name on it.)

I thought the 3D effects were pretty good. I guess I don’t get the exact reference, since I quit Secret of Evermore after getting stuck halfway through.

Well, after the horrid dog maze in Gothica, youfight a chess knight… not made out of glass, though. The sucker moved around like a BISHOP! >_<

So there. Evermore-inspired :stuck_out_tongue:

I need this game… for SNES :frowning: It’s so friggen good.

The effects were pretty good. Better than anything I did in school with Flash.