So this Gamergate stuff...

I have no idea what you’re going on about now, and I should point out that you’re the one insisting on the label now. You’ve taken an example from one thing you saw on the internet, pointed out it’s false, and declared that this is enough to declare that the type of people I’m referring to conclusively don’t exist and that anybody who thinks there’s “a bunch of uppity neo-puritan assholes making demands on behalf of their feelings who are inexplicably being appeased as a knee-jerk reaction” is clearly a paranoid nutjob.

Every example I brought above still stands, but hey, have a new one: Just the other day, the author of Plebcomics, a very vocal opponent of [HOWEVER YOU WANT TO CALL THESE CUNTS] lost her damn job because a bunch of assholes doxed her and bomb-mailed her workplace with accusations of her being a racist and just general spam until she had to be let go for being “a liability”. As usual, the outlets that usually trip over themselves to write hagiographies of everyone in the [HOWEVER YOU WANT TO CALL THESE CUNTS] camp - no matter how far from being related of video games they might be - passed the story right the fuck over, because who cares if someone just got harassed out of a job they were relying on to pay the bills solely for mocking people? She disagreed with us, so she probably had it coming. There are people who make 50k a year from Patreon to sit on their asses who got mean tweets! Clearly they are the real victims!

I have no idea what it is that you are trying to get at. If you have something against the label of “Social Justice Warrior”, then nuke it, I don’t give a shit. Clearly SOMEONE was getting offended enough by a comic mocking “Social Justice Warriors” to stage this shit. SOMEONE clearly identifies with the label, and then goes on to do the exact thing they’re accused of doing. If you’re trying to tell me that these hypocritical cunts don’t exist and that they don’t have power to hurt people’s lives with impunity while being guarded by a press that demonizes everyone calling them out, I will rightfully call bullshit on you.

lol wtf are these webcomics? this guy looks literally insane. Like, literally mentally unstable and should be on medication. If he was my employee, I’d probably fire him too if I saw this.

lol racist, sexist, mysoginst literal insane person got fired from a job: LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER.

also, you should probably NSFW that link, because the person seems to have an obsession with drawing scantily clad women with huge asses barely clothed flaunting them around everywhere.

person gets fired due to Internet. likely the result of unemployed manchildren living in their parents’ basements spending all day on reddit or something awful who think it’d be funny to get some shitty insane webcomic artist fired from a job…like they’ve done many times in the past

OR…no…I have a better idea. It’s clearly the work a feminazi anti-male anti-video game anti-everything fun cabal of social justice police who scour the Interwebs looking for incorrect thoughts that must be corrected through repression, intimidation and outright terrorism. YESSSSSSSSSSSS that clearly sounds like a much more possible answer.

P.S. what’s the bitcoin wallet address of the feminazi terrorist cabal so I can donate all my worhtless bitcoins to them

So, let me get this straight: I can keep throwing you examples of people vocally in support of GG getting harassed and slandered all in close succession and shortly after declaring support for GG, and you’ll just blame it on a different assumed entity each time. This image has been making rounds for more than a month now among a shitload of people, and each of those developers have been people who supported GG. The one at the top of the list is Jennifer Dawe, who would have been in deep shit given her game had just gone on Greenlight, if not for the fact that Total Biscuit was aware of the blacklist effort and decided to lend a hand.

There’s also an extremely evident hierarchy in who is a brave victim needing protection from parts of the press: a developer gets a few mean tweets, and there’s an article about it the next morning. That same developer calls for a boycott on the entirety of Stardock studios, and suddenly there’s not a word about it in spite of the serious antitrust issues involved. There’s a very clear delineation between the coverage certain people get regarding their harassment, and it has nothing to do with gender or accomplishments, but rather on which side of the fence they sit on regarding this mess. Harassment for one side is terrible and needs to be denounced on national fucking TV. The other side gets cricket sounds. Even if all harassment is trolls, it’s easy to see who gets preferential treatment here and who is left out to dry, and the only constant is ideological alignment.

Meanwhile, GTAV gets banned from stores, encouraging people in other countries to do the same as happened after the thing in Australia, to the point that professionals are speaking out against it. For some reason, the press was all against it when it was Jack Thompson, but now, the press is the one actually rallying against games. Sure, Rockstar doesn’t give a fuck, but they’re super established and print money. You think every smaller developer can afford to get blackballed like that? The press has to address GTA because it’s too visible, but any smaller title can be much more effectively killed by simply not covering it at all. Ask the people on that blacklist.

I repeat that even Ayaan Hirsi Ali herself has just up and said feminists are losing their motherfucking minds in the west. Look it up, that ain’t a small name.

Also, I know who did this. It’s RacistsGettingFired from Tumblr, a group that uses its covers of “harassing only bad people” to just harass the fuck out of whoever they want, and get outright praised for it by the press.

I’ve been watching this shit going on live, and I’ve now lost the ability to tell how much of what you’re saying is parody and how much is serious, because I frankly can’t understand your response being that this woman (I said “she” plenty of times) “is clearly insane”. The comics are certainly not high-brow, but there’s a massive gap between finding it distasteful and claiming this merits a harassment campaign to destroy their livelihood over something unrelated to their actual job. I can even less understand you laughing off everything else I brought up. I don’t want to believe that you’re the same kind of nutjob that sees mockery and disagreement with extremist feminists who go out and claim you can’t be sexist against men and can’t be racist against whites (ask the Irish what they think of that last one) as being equal to being misogynist and racist. Are you going to tell me Matt Taylor deserved the bullshit he got for wearing that shirt too?

Holy shit this site is amazing, every single comic is a calmhitler strawman.


I miss Epic’s and Cless’ MSPaint RPGCommunity comix.

That just proves you haven’t been on tumblr and the crazy parts of youtube much (be glad about it). Now, don’t get me wrong, I completely agree that “SJW” just like “angry feminist” has become a collective term for “angry person I find weird and whose viewpoint I disagree with”. In reverse though, it doesn’t mean that SJWs are just an imaginary construct that don’t exist at all. In fact, many of them even call themselves “proud social justice warriors” and use it as a community/identity term to describe or define themselves or their “movement”. Granted, some of these are trolls, and in many cases the weirdos have gone full circle and it’s become pretty hard to distinguish between trolls and the real deal, but that doesn’t mean that there is, in fact, not a group of people who genuinely mean what they say and genuinely feel they are on a crusade against evil white men.

Exhibit A tl;dr: quote:

Do I actually literally want white people/men to die? No. And I wouldn’t condone that. But the reason it’s OK to say is because NOBODY WILL EVER DO IT. I don’t hate men individually (well, I do, but for argument’s sake let’s say I don’t) but I mostly hate the patriarchy and white supremacy. When I say “kill all crackers” I’m talking about bringing down the white patriarchy, not killing specific individuals.Get it? Get it? Okay, now please stop bitching and moaning about “SJWs”.
Also, misandry and racism against whites doesn’t fucking exist. If it’s not institutitonalized and systemic it is not real. Simple as fucking that.

Exhibit B
Even if you take away, say, 50% of those posts and declare them as trolls, fakes, satire, not fitting whatever criteria you apply for it to be “not a SJW”, it still leaves an alarming amount of people who actually mean what they say. Most of these screenshots were taken from tumblr, but they also include youtube, twitter, facebook, … pretty much any and all of the mainstream media platforms.

Exhibit C, the narrator dude being a great example though on how to not deal with these people, being just as big of an idiot and pouring more oil into the fire

and also, Exhibit D, the wonderful lady who, among other people, made “die cis scum” a dictum. Of course she could be a troll, but it seems rather unlikely. Yes it’s a 4chan video channel, the original has been taken off youtube, but there are many others like this one out there.
(tiny edit: I’ll leave thishere as well, a trans person defending the term in a subreddit for radical views on queer issues, see sidebar.)

See also: Social Justice wiki, not exactly radical, but also using “social justice” as an identity tag; also not a troll, entirely serious.
See also: radical activists in action in real life, disturbing a meeting on gender equality by fire alarm. I don’t think they called themselves “SJWs” (at least it doesn’t say that anywhere), but this is probably the picture or type of person many people have in mind when they use that term. Disclaimer: No, I do not believe the tone and overall polarizing language and portrayal used by this youtube guy is in any way appropriate or does anything to help the situation. Another edit: Found the footagewithout annoying dude in the middle.

“I don’t hate men individually (well, I do, but for argument’s sake let’s say I don’t)” I laughed out loud.

Despite what Hawking says about the dangers of AI, I can’t wait until transhumanism becomes the big issue. Humans will be protesting being labelled “filthy organics” by their coffee-makers and other AI-imbued devices. It’s gonna be hilarious. … Well, until they kill us all.

OK great. you guys win I guess. Yes, there are at least X number of social justice warriors in existence on the internet. Great. There are also X number of pregnant Moldovian hermaphrodites that fantasize about being devoured alive by animatronic wolves with blue fur and huge dick vaginas. Probably on tumblr somewhere (good buy Yahoo). It’s the fuckin’ internet. Literally every horrible possible thing you could ever imagine exists, and then even much worse exists than that also. You’ve proved a great big meaningless, pedantic point that completely misses the forest for the trees, which if you’ll go all the way back to my first post in this thread, was exactly at the heart of what I was railing against.

And that point is that, even if social justice warrios exist, and even if they did all the things you listed out in this thread from getting people fired from their jobs to writing anti-male diatribes, and even if they’ve done many other things way worse than that, the point still remains that…wait for it…social justice warriors are not ruining, nor they will ever ruin at any point in the future, video games or “video game culture.” The only things ruining “video game culture”, whatever that means, are the paranoid delusions of these so-called gamers themselves, the trolls how feed on their delusions, and the video game companies themselves that sow divisions between different communities to create controversies and sell more video games on the hype surrounded by said outrage, buy up independent video game companies and completely strip them of any interesting creative things going on within them, and that are moving the entire industry toward a “pay multiple times for a single game” concept by selling unfinished games and charging people “microtransactions” on top of the price of the game just to play the whole experience. I said in my initial post that when I worked on Wall St. I knew the analyst covering video games, and the dude was walking around with a hard-on all day just thinking about all the money EA was making by simultaneously gouging clueless gamers and stoking fake controversies through viral media, and all the big fat stacks of commissions he was making off that. Shit’s real yo, but no I’m sure you’re right that it’s a few broke, slightly psychotic feminists with overactive keyboard fingers that are the true enemies of gaming.

I mean, can you seriously not see that this is the case? It’s not like this shit is unique to video games. Just look at how money and corporations have dramatically shifted the political atmosphere of the country in our short lifetimes? Classic divide and conquer. Keep the proles foaming at the mouth about gays, guns, abortion, and evil brown people, while meanwhile amassing a greater share of the wealth than we even saw during the height of the 1920’s. Now coming to your Playstation 4. Happy gaming bros!

And you say I’m missing the forest for the trees.

“Paranoid delusions of these so-called gamers themselves”? What the fuck are you even going on about? Where the hell did you even reach this topic? What “paranoid delusions” are you talking about here that affect the AAA industry? You’re taking the reality of the mid-sized industry getting fucked sidewides by corrupt journalists and claiming that we should ignore it because fighting that somehow helps the AAA?

So what is your fucking suggestion? Go back to barking ineffectually at the giant developers? You want to try an Internet petition? Who’s going to do what? Certainly not the gaming press. Arthur Gies was first in line to defend the bullshit EA tried to pull with Sim City, whereas anybody with even a cursory understanding of computer processing knew that is was utter horeshit from day one. It was textbook Emperor’s New Clothes level of transparent lies, except that in this case every peasant was calling them out on it, while the press predictably made asses of themselves trying to protect them. You want the guys who take a $700.000 donation from Microsoft to stand up against them? The same sort that keep calling for Nintendo’s death because they don’t play ball and don’t shove microtransactions down your fucking throat? The ones that call their audience entitle whiners when they vote with their wallets and don’t buy DmC by the millions?

Who the fuck do you think you’re talking about here? Who do you think fuels the microtransactions and crappy shooter market? RPG players? Fuck no, it’s the casual market and fucking Dudebro. Dudebro doesn’t get involved in discussions about journalistic ethics or even knows the name of developers or their politics. Dudebro isn’t paranoid about fuck all because he doesn’t even read this shit, he just buys the latest crappy Fifa title and Call of Battlefield Shooty Edition. Why the everloving fuck do you think ever last big company under the fucking sun has tried to “streamline” their games to be more palatable to the CoD audience? It’s because that’s where the big money is. That’s not going to fucking change, because the whole reason they’re such a juicy demographic is that they’re also the kind that gladly slurp up the micotransaction bullshit and pay no attention to what money-grubbing whores the companies they support are. You’re not going to get a company to stop doing shady shit when you’re not even their actual audience. Dudebro and Candy Crush Mom will continue fuelling that festering husk until the already straining bubble pops. There is fuck all anybody can do about that, chiefly because the hardcore gamer is no longer the target audience.

But there is, in fact, an alternative to the AAA industry. The only way, which plenty of developers saw and took. Plenty of smaller and middle-sized studios have splintered off the bubbling giants in recent years to make the sort of games that AAA won’t focus on, and for now they seem to be thriving. Long-dead genres are suddenly coming back to life and I’m loving that shit, as are millions of others. This is it: the promise of a renaissance where companies make good games and get reasonable profits in return, led by the people that built up gaming to begin with. Fucking Lord British is even making a new (pseudo-)Ultima game. The main weakness of these studios is their lack of advertisement budget, which makes honest reporting, the kind that doesn’t cherrypick facebook activity to accuse individual games of hate crimes to try and kill a game they don’t like or actively blacklist developers they don’t agree with like Kevin Dent. This is the answer to the problem you posed, and its getting devoured alive by sensationalist shitty press.

The problem is not that your Moldovian hermaphrodites exist, it’s that they’ve got a nice little douchebag clique going right across the gaming press. Nobody would give a fuck if these were isolated nobodies, but they are most definitely not. Polygon is not s small niche website. Kotaku is the fourth (and close to third) most popular fucking gaming website in the world, and their Editor In chief was recently shown to completely ignore video game press releases from indies in favour of entirely (fake) letters about (fake) women learning to drive. Patrick Keplek of Giant Bomb is one of the people involved in and the primary instigator of the blacklisting of developers mentioned above. Their combined whining and moaning about Hatred led to it being pulled from Steam despite overwhelming popular support, and it was only saved because enough people raised a stink about it that it got put back. That was a fledgling studio’s first project that almost got killed despite popular support by being denied entrance to a distribution platform with over 70% of the market share, all because of the exact same of moralistic whining about violence we grew up scoffing at. It’s the exact same bullshit we’ve seen for the last three decades, except that now the ones doing it are the gaming media themselves instead of pearl-clutching church ladies.

By all means continue echoing Leigh Alexander’s bullshit vitriol about core gamers being the problem while she praises the fucking Kim Kardashian microtransaction whore game and you blast a completely different demographic that has nothing to do with any of the parties mentioned here. By all means, continue complaining ineffectually about the gaming giants that absolutely nobody is going to touch because it’s an utterly futile endeavour. But when you turn around and tell me that you don’t care that the one alternative to that hopeless corporate clusterfuck is getting blacklisted, slandered, harassed and overall chewed apart by corrupt pretentious dickbags, I have to ask what exactly are you proposing. The idea of getting EA to stop being dicks after decades of it working fabulously for them is a childish fantasy, especially as the hardcore enthusiast gamer isn’t even their primary customer base anymore, and you just told me you don’t care about how developers trying to do things differently are getting rammed in the ass by the press, so what are you suggesting people should focus on?

Don’t watch anime, [STRIKE]argue[/STRIKE] bitch about game journalism.

Seph is going to owe a fortune to the swear jar.

Look at all these fucking words you wrote about gamergate

Word Occurrences Frequency Rank
you 21 1
fucking 8 2
even 8 2
don 7 3
what 7 3
fuck 7 3
developers 6 4
going 6 4
gaming 6 4
press 6 4

I think he’s angry. Very angry about the video games. It’s too hard to stop buying EA games, so it’s easier to blame feminists or something, I don’t know. That table above is oddly beautiful though…reading down the words it almost feels like a sentence that he would actually write.

Actually I haven’t read beyond like the second paragraph of any of his responses in this entire thread. I have no idea who any of these people are he mentions, nor do I care. I’m just…fascinated that he cares so much. Like throwing a bunch of obscure examples about…stuff…is supposed to prove something to me? I dunno, I still have absolutely no idea what he’s trying to argue. Nor do I understand what he’s so angry about. Can someone who’s willing to read that freaking wall of text translate it to someone like me so I can comprehend what’s going on here?

Actually this thread is making me think watching anime would be a better use of my time than this shit. Or has the feminazi cabal made watching anime punishable by 50 lashings of the tongue on tumblr?

That table above is oddly beautiful though…reading down the words it almost feels like a sentence that he would actually write.

Just read it with pauses in-between each word, while getting more exasperated.

“You fucking…even, don’t…What, fuck…Developers…GOING…GAMING…PRESS!!!”

Hey Charlemagne, I’ll give you a butttcoin if you record yourself saying this and upload it.

I’ve tried to read them a few times but my eyes just slide right off them like I’m in a Lovecraft story trying to read a book of evil spells.