So this Gamergate stuff...

Actually it really is about ethics in Your Momma Jokes.

Ethics? In MY jokes?

(And holy shit, Kaiser outta fuckin’ nowhere!)

And here I thought it was about the ethics of those who report on Your Momma Jokes?

Man, Zepp’s Colbert persona broke down after what, 4-5 years? Tells you what you need to know about the noxiousness of GG. I’m sure Social Justice Warrior was an FF Tactics prestige class.

FFT didn’t have ‘prestige classes’. At best it had character exclusive Jobs (which were overlaid atop the Squire Job), but none of them were specifically treated as a prestige class (FFs 1 and 3 are the only FFs with a prestige class type system).

Maybe you’re thinking of Tactics Ogre?

i know rite

And look at this shit, I’m changing my avatar and updating my signature years after it no longer matters wtf

So I waded through these 3 pages of wall of text-posts and I still feel like I have no fucking clue what this is all about. The gist of it seems to be two opposing groups (“the misogynist gamers”, “the evil feminists”) throwing shit each other and both sides looking like assholes, did I get that right at least? Humanity at its best, what else is new.

Oh hey look, it’s Kaiser! Hi Kaiser. :biggrin:

It started with Games Journalism being shit (as usual), then Game Journalists used the tangent debate about Gamers being misogynists (as usual) as a smoke screen to divert attention from their own trashiness, and around the same time window a bunch of trolls hijacked the issue by setting the two sides of the gamer misogyny issue against each other and forcing it to escalate into a shit throwing match.

The tl;dr of the debate was that it turned into free-for-all between:
“The Feminists” (of the extreme variety)
“The Social Justice Warriors” (who don’t give a fuck about the cause they’re championing as long as they have something to fight against and feel good about it)
“The #GamerGate Folks” (i.e. the guys that only cared about the whole ‘Game Journalism’ thing; an endeavor that was doomed from the start)
“The Misogynists” (i.e. anyone who got involved with the debate that didn’t take one of the three aforementioned sides, whether they actually were, ‘ironically’ or not)
“The Trolls” (i.e. the guys who don’t care which side wins, as long as they get their jollies by stirring up as much shit as possible)
“The Game Journalists” (who generally speaking fell into the Misogynists camp but had another horse in the race, their jobs)
“Non-Gaming Outlets” (who were basically the Eagles in this Battle of Five Armies-ish mess, save the fact that they turned ‘friendly fire’ on and let 'er rip until Ebola and Isis distracted them)

Also known as the most self-aware group in this whole stupid controversy.

I still haven’t been convinced there actually exists any real “Social Justice Warriors”…well, except in the mind of a few delusional paranoid schizophrenics. Trolls…well, always plenty of those (not that I would know anything about that personally).

Social Justice Warrior as a term may have at one point been meant to insult truly radical extremists, but it’s joined the ranks of “fallacy” and “entitled” concerning words that the Internet has collectively abused to the point of total meaninglessness.

Really now?

A project aimed at developing game projects by women is completely blackballed off the press and nearly left to rot because they fell under the disfavour of someone with connetciosn to them and covering them would bring negative light upon this person…

Chris Plante, the same Chris Plante of Polygon who once helped spurn forth a mob of hysterical whiners over an accurate translation to the point of causing XSEED’s community manager a mental breakdown over people threatening to harm themselves if they didn’t cave to their demands, THAT Chris Plante just recently spearheaded one of the most moronic controversies in recent history over a man’s fucking shirt and spurred yet ANOTHER mob of whiners to the point of having the man offer a teared apology on television that made actual important feminists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali come out and denounce the fact that feminism needs to be retaken from, I quote, “Idiotic women and their trivial bullshit”…

GTAV just got banned in several stores in Australia after a petition filled with total factual inaccuracies gained enough traction, to the CHEER of Feminist Frequency’s head writer and supposed gaming sites defended that while stating such mindbogglingly and intellectually offensively things such as that concerns of troubled people should be acquiesced to even when one knows for a fact that they are wrong…

Two female writers from TwoDashStash received threats and harassment after their editor expressed sympathy to GamerGate, and absolutely none of the sites that report within the hour on shit like a Something Awful goon making jokes about a dying dog say a peep about it…

Jeniffer Dawe and a dozen other developers are victims of an explicit honest-to-god no-pretense-about-it blacklisting effort from the same proponents of “getting women into the industry” because they dared agree with GG on things, and none of these “progressive” sites give a fuck…

The IGDA went full retard and endorsed a terribly-coded twitter blocklist that, as per their wording, would identify and block the “main harassers” in the ongoing controversy. The list in question simply filled itself by counting off the twitter followers of people the list’s creator didn’t like rather than any actual analysis of their behaviour, and so contained over TEN THOUSAND names, including the chairman of IGDA Puerto Rico, who upon having been identified as a harasser by the list was insulted by its creator for daring to feel angry at being slandered, had his public information dregged up, posted on the internet, and threats levied at his children, all because he dared point out the list was fucking stupid. And nobody reported on it. Again. This is without mentioning that since the removal of the list from IGDA’s site was done quietly and without the proper apologies for slander, everyone on the list is now in deep shit when potential employers google their information on the net, especially since businesses like Strawberry Pi adopted it and are still using it…

Roberta Williams, a woman who is not so much a “pioneer for women in gaming” as she is “a fucking pioneer in gaming, period” is given some long overdue-recognition at the VGA that can help in shining light on the fact that women have had a presence and influence in the industry for years, yet this gets zero attention from any of these so-called progressive outlets while their chatter is expended on decrying that TotalBiscuit was also given an award…

Stephen Totilo is openly embarrassed after it was revealed that, upon receiving a press release for a game AND a letter detailing a completely made-up story about a woman learning to drive because of video games, chose to publish only the latter and left the developer out cold. It is later revealed that the letter was entirely made up by the developer’s friend as part of a bet concerning how nobody in games journalist gives a damn about games and that they all just want to push sacharine “empowering” stories, something one might have guessed by the fact that the letter contained, no shit, the phrase “Thanks to GTAIV, I am now a strong independent black woman.” This was followed by the developer writing a lengthy reply to Totilo about the depressing state of the press and how alone developers are to find coverage if they don’t pander to their touchy feely crap…

…but you really don’t think there’s anything slightly off with these disproportionately influential voices and that they are truly championing genuine issues instead of wasting space and generally being a burden to those actually trying to do any damn good?

It’s just fucking video games.

Fucking hell.

Sure, that’s all it is.

Up until Kotaku needs a few hits. Then they can take a sexual harassment lawsuit levied at a game developer CEO and push out an entirely one-sided coverage of the matter that only takes the plantiff’s word in consideration. That coverage then gets reblogged by every fellow “journalist” also looking for some clickbait with titles that skip any of that pesky “impartiality” shit and outright say the evidence damns you. Now, it doesn’t matter that the claims were so utterly groundless that they get laughed out of court and end with the plantiff having to offer a written apology to the CEO in question, because now every time a potential partner googles Brad Wardell’s name, one of the very first fucking things they see is that he’s a rapist, and that most journalists who were so quick to pounce on him, Ben Kuchera among them, have never offered a retraction, let alone an apology. The dude got his reputation torpedoed, his personal information released and spent years receiving harassment and threats levied at him and his family, including being sent his son’s school address along with a threat of how they were going to sodomize him.

This isn’t even the only time they’ve pulled this shit, they did the same to Max Temkin.

James Desborough recently was part of a series on interviews conducted by the Escapist on GamerGate. The interview was later pulled because “evidence arose” that he was nebulously involved in some manner of harassment. What harassment that was, nobody, including Desborough, has any fucking clue, because Escapist’s Greg Tito didn’t feel like saying and outright stated he could “not speak as to the veracity of the claims”, so they just pulled his words and slapped a disclaimer calling him a harasser right on their sight. This prompted several of his friends to cut contact with him and a wave of threats to be sent his way until he gave everyone following the situation a death scare when he came close to comitting suicide. He’s fine now, other than the fact that a card game he just released was also also censored for the same reasons, but the fact of the matter is that once again, the usual dozen pimple-faced San Francisco hipsters who keep talking about inclusivity and expanding the marker don’t give a fuck about those they aren’t buddies with.

At the very least they’re targeting individuals with claims of harassment now, instead of image boards filled with people so depressed, they keep a permanent sticky with links to suicide hotlines on them. That’s also a thing Greg Tito did before someone pointed out to him that the information he used to slander that community was a load of bollocks.

Zep’s little soapboax speech back there sounded fantastic and said many things all people can agree with, and I would take no issue with it if not for the fact that it bears no conceivable link to any reality I have been privy to. What I see is a close knit group of pretentious hipsters who fill their mouths talking about progressiveness and inclusiveness but when push comes to shove, don’t actually give a flying fuck about those principles and will happily exclude everyone who doesn’t appreciate their own brand of inclusiveness. There’s a ready-made narrative where this is just angry white male nerds bothered by “progress” being heralded by these enlightened pimple-faced morons. Well, take a look at these white male assholes. It’s not about people not wanting inclusiveness, it’s about people being fucking sick of any discussion on the topic being met with some variation of this response and careers gleefully ruined without concern.

I’ve fucking talked to Desborough. He’s not a video game, he’s a real person to me. So is Jennifer Dawe, whose career would have hit a brickstone wall if one of the most popular Youtubers on the internet hadn’t been there to help when her game was blacklisted. Read the letter I posted in my previous post. I’ve actually spoken with a lot of devs in the past few months, and the stories all sound the exact same. Video games are made by people, many of which are staking a lot trying to break into the market, and they are absolutely ass-pounded by this bullshit on a regular basis while the people who do so get to take the moral high-ground.

Seph, literally all I said was that the term “Social justice warrior” has been overused to the point of having no credibility. I think that’s something you would agree with without hitting me in the face with a shotgun blast of text, considering all it does is take the focus off of truly radical people.

Also I like video games.

My reply was mostly aimed at Zepp. Also, I don’t see where the harm is in calling radical people by a mocking nickname.

Social Justice Warrior, like every other bullshit made up term in the history of the internet, means “somebody who disagrees with my viewpoint, and therefore I will make up a mocking term to immediately disregard any of their viewpoints, whether justified or unjustified”. And now, when someone says something I disagree with, I can just say “oh, well they’re a social justice warrior, so I can simply ignore this and continue sperging out with other spergs on reddit”

and it’s worked, cause we’re sitting here debating whether social justice warriors are X or Y, instead of talking about actual interesting issues and stuff

No, what happened here is that you jumped from claiming that “a specific type of people with a specific behaviour who are referred to by a specific mocking nickname” don’t exist and are only the imaginations of schizophrenics, to talking exclusively about the label divorced from those it designates.

Ultimately, I don’t give a shit about the label. I care very much about the people for whom I can provide full names and verifiable accounts of and I see engaging in the exact behaviour I just described, while much deserved opposition to such bullshit as that ROUTINELY encouraged by luminaries such as Plante and Kuchera is met with dismissal about it being just people who have not acquired any “social or emotional intelligence in life”, because the other guys claimed they are inclusive and progressive so gosh darn that must definitely mean they definitely are so, please pay no attention to their actual actions or the opinions of those women, minorities and so on who don’t agree with them and are told to shut up for doing so. You don’t care for the term? Sure, I can simply stop using it around you. Everything else I said still stands.

I especially care when I’m there to see, live, the bullshit they pull hit people who’ve done nothing wrong, and doubly so when it’s people I know. The only reason Plante got backlash with Matt Taylor was because he fucked with someone the whole world was watching. Back when they caused Hatsuu to have a breakdown after being bombarded with accusations that her (ACCURATE) translation of a slur caused them to hurt themselves, nobody heard about it.

Admittedly, when I brought up SJW in my previous post, I was thinking along the lines of fellows like the writer of that old Dominic Deegan webcomic. Basically, somebody who claimed to be progressive and fair and balanced to women with the way his main character treated the female characters in his care, but either failed to notice the double standard he was operating under or was disingenuous about his efforts because of the way he staged the story to imply that women were safe and well treated under his male lead’s care, or was simply lying to draw attention to his comic by like minded readers. Who either way was doing so strictly for their own benefit or at least the benefit of feeling good for doing something they think is right.

To be fair though, the tribute was by far and away the best part of that overly long videogame/gamerfuel commercial. Its just that, its really hard to take TLA seriously when it’s glaringly obvious at just how much of it was based upon who paid the most money for their “awards”. I had to go back and watch that part just because it honestly surprised me that anything that meaningful and/or thoughtful (compared to what the VGAs of years past brought us at least) could come out of such a venue.

Guy posts picture of “Social Justice Warriors” in action on Internet. “Spotted in a local Wal-Mart”

Thousands of angry internet males rage against social justice warriors who “never even play games” trying to rain on their parade.

Australian recognizes this game has Australian tags, and there aren’t any Wal-marts in Australia.

Clearly becomes a story of some bored kid who went to the store, put a sticker on a game himself, and took a picture of it to rile up the internet.

Existence of social justice warriors: still unproven.

Anger status of internet: still high.

Why do we all suddenly believe everything immediately because it was posted on the Internet, as long as it fits into some narrative we’ve convinced ourselves ? It’s 2014. I didn’t believe anything I read on the internet even when I was 15. People here probably still take my posts seriously. I don’t get it.

Even if someone did spot that game in an actual wal-mart, how can you assume someone put it there with actual intent? How would you know it wasn’t put there by some other troll just to elicit a reaction? Structuring the events you see in the world around you to fit into some forced narrative of the way the world works is Pynchon-level paranoid (Inherent Vice looks awesome btw - read the book dudes!!!)