Sleepless in the Agora!

Right now I write because I’m bored,
when I should be sleeping some more,
and I got to thinking in some rhyme,
and as I’m rhyming that I find,
that I can’t sleep till the morn,
or until I go on-line to toot my horn,
of all these rhymes dancing in my mind.

Really! I should be stopping,
but I can’t for all the flip-flopping,
that occurs in my bed,
when such thoughts go dancing through my head.

And so I write this now,
for tomorrow this shall all be gone,
with nothing left but a hint of sorrow,
that I let this go before I can borrow,
from this train of thought that I have.

So if you are reading this with any interest,
then might I request a positive post,
and now it seems that I must end it here,
as my train of thought is but a ghost.

Wow, I think Killmore might have a little Seuss in him. :smiley:

Nice level on randomnessity on this, Kill. :slight_smile: