Six People Murdered Over X-Box

“The four killers, armed with [STRIKE]aluminum baseball bats[/STRIKE] x-boxes, forced their way into the home where the victims were in beds early Friday morning, and beat them to death – just as Victorino planned, Johnson said.”


KILL over a dam XBOX? what a bunch of retards :noway:

X-Box isnt even a very good system, yeesh, I wouldn’t kill someone unless they at least stole something significant… like my laptop… then they would have to die.

hahaha, its amusing to see psychopaths this early in the morning.

i mean i wouldnt kill period, no use, i’d get mad but KILL? :hahaha; nah , its not me
meh. :too bad: dont mean to preach, but killing someone over material possesions is beyond stupidity. id rather be honored for the goodness in me :victoly: , but hey, good luck to myself tryin to find someone like that though…considering the fact that all you people are BLOOD THIRSTY BASTARDS!! :booster: ( sorry back there, something just came out , lol)any who , all this is just my opinion :too bad:

Ah I read from another source that one of the girls stole the X Box, and then he proceeding to kill every other person in the house. Tragic.