Since it hasn't been done in a while

X - There is a wocket in my pocket.

Man what the fuck that doesn’t start with X you are retarded!!


Zinged you are!

<b><u>A</u></b>rms, as in, like, weapons. And when an arm falls off. :smiley:

Bastards. >:(

<b><u>C</u></b>ock. As in, the year of the cock.

D- Dimwit; Dracula, he has an army of ninjas.

<b><u>E</b></u>ars. 'cause their ears are always covered.

Fistic ass-kicking.


H - Please close this damn thread already

I-Idiot boys…

J- Just a free post that I got.
J- Jubei.



<b><u>M</b></u>an, I would have found a picture of someone actually doing kancho on someone, but I’d be band.

Yes you would. but anyhow

N- Now I add more senselessness to this topic.

Oh, how father off the original topic can we get?

P- Please. As in, Yes please!