I got to see them live tonight - first complete tour they’ve ever done (last show is tomorrow night in Tampa). Pretty special.
Just thought I’d share.
Tickets were fucking expensive too - $227 for my seat.
I got to see them live tonight - first complete tour they’ve ever done (last show is tomorrow night in Tampa). Pretty special.
Just thought I’d share.
Tickets were fucking expensive too - $227 for my seat.
I already told you earlier I think that’s awesome - glad you enjoyed the show, man
FUCKER! YOU DONT DESERVE THEM!!! I Tried so fucking hard to get tickets when they were down here. damn it mdamn it damnti damn tiantikansinaikdna
Words cannot describe how much I envy you.
Who and who?
Oh my god, Lun, you suck! They are only like the greatest musical group ever!
Originally posted by Lunaris
Who and who?
You now deserve only DEATH.:enguard:
Mrs Robinson starts to play in my mind
I cant think of a song they did that I would skip if it was on a cd. I mean, I would skip it to get to a better song, but I’d go back to it because its still great.
Heh heh =)
It was a great show. I didn’t go into detail because I didn’t think people would care - but they had a full band behind them, and the band only enhanced every song. It was great - Art can still hit that high note at the end of “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. We ended up pulling them out for four encores.
I think they’ll put out a CD of this tour (Probably due to the popularity of it. I think every single show has been sold out.) If so, I highly reccomend it.
As for “Who and Who?”, Simon and Garfunkle are a folk duo from the 60’s, who put out several popular songs in their stint from 62-70, where they broke up due to artistic differences. They played a very legendary concert at Central Park in 1981 to a crowd of 500,000, then tried to tour again in 1993 but they split again. This tour is truley monumentous if only for the fact that they survived the entire tour. If anything, Simon and Garfunkle are most famous for their bickering more so than their music, which on it’s own speaks volumes.
You’re too rich, give me some of your money.
I still dont see why people spend tons of money just for tickets for these things.
I could buy 4 games with that ,money.
I agree, $227 is a huge sum of money, and had it been any other band, I would have said no. But no - it’s Simon and Garfunkle. They make incredible music, and they have never, in their 40 year stint as a musical duo, toured successfully. They are both in their early sixties, so the liklihood of their touring again (especially considering the people we’re talking about, who are famous for fighting) is almost nonexistant. So yes, while $227 is an overly exorbitant amount of money, it was worth every cent. Not just because the music was that good, but because it’s an incredible memory - I saw Simon and Garfunkle live. How many people can say that - less than a million people(at least) on the planet can.
And 4 games? Wow, you suck at spending money. I could get at least 6.
Originally posted by Sorcerer
And 4 games? Wow, you suck at spending money. I could get at least 6.
New releases that is.
I could get lots of older games for $200.
lol ya. New releases are more exciting, except for some oldies but goodies.
People have already established this and all…however, I must again reiterate…
Simon & Garfunkel fucking kick ass. I mean, really. They’re amazing. 227 is a LOT of money, but this is Simon & Garfunkel, man. Best Folk group of all time, easily (although the Mamas and the Papas rank pretty high in my book too…).
Like I said - worth every cent.
Originally posted by Sorcerer
Like I said - worth every cent.
Well I’m glad you got all the bang for your bucks.
If you’re gonna talk about how much they kick ass, you might as well spell their names right.
It’s Simon & Garfunkel.
Normally I’d just shut up and move on…but, well…I just think it’s sort of embarassing to talk about how much you love them and how awesome they are yet spell their names wrong more than once (unless you happened to magically typo it every time).
Originally posted by xSquall_Master-EXx
[b]If you’re gonna talk about how much they kick ass, you might as well spell their names right.It’s Simon & Garfunkel.
Normally I’d just shut up and move on…but, well…I just think it’s sort of embarassing to talk about how much you love them and how awesome they are yet spell their names wrong more than once (unless you happened to magically typo it every time). [/b]
Now why is it you can spell here, but in the GotY topic you spell like a retarded kid about how FFX-2 characters turn you on?