Sailor Moon-Another LONG HARD Story

I hope this is the right place for this thread! i tried save hacking and I can’t seem to figure out how to get the 999 HP I tried putting FFFF in the current and max positions, but i guess it’s wrong.
Also my EP is wrong too and the game crashes once in battle. it would be really
awesome if you could let me know what to really put in. please help! It’s my first time hacking! Cause the game is super hard! PLEASE help help help!!

weellllll since you guys are umm well slow and somewhat useless i found the answer to my question at these websites and will hopefully help anyone who wanted to know how to help save state hacking in itself and in SMRPG.

Dude, you post at 1PM EST, most people are at work or at school, the rest may simply have no idea. Patience is the name of the game.

Wow, redefine impatience.

The lack of patience is probably what makes the game look hard.

Also the lack of patience that drives people to post questions in forums instead of just finding the answers in obvious places

Uh, that game is really easy. You gain back full health and magic when you level up.

Sailor Moon’s Long Hard Story sounds like good watching.

The story’s about me.

I love that story Arac!

That’s good, since it lasts all night long.

Arac = Setz

I’ve never had sex in a KFC bathroom, though. So Setz is cooler than me.

Question! i can’t seem to get on the moon from the ark, it says press Y and do they mean the actual Y button? or a different key? thanks <3

It says you should press Y. Have you tried pressing Y?

If you are playing it emulated, then when it says Y it doesnt mean the Y key on your keyboard, it means the SNES controller’s Y button… So whatever you have your keyboard setup as to represent the SNES gamepad would be the corrosponding key…

For example, Y on my keyboard is actually A…

Hope that helps.

Izlude! You’re great!! It worked! now i can do link attacks too!! Thankee thankee thankee!!! cuddles Izlude cuddle-cuddle

I was trying to play an old DOS game today, and it said to press any key, but I couldn’t find the any key! What should I do???

Any key will work Vorpy. And remember, hitting the Tab key will make the computer produce some Tab for you. :smiley:

Yes I know the Any Key will work but I can’t find it!!!