Sabin's wibwooism ranting thread

Charle, you are my hero. This is beautiful. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hades was stubborn, but Sabin was just a plain idiot. At least Hades didn’t call people Nazi boys, which, in my opinion, is about as low as you can sink.

…I only hope that i never finish like that Sabin Guy…

Sabin didn’t stay for too long anyway…Hades was a regular for much longer and actually made friends while hanging around here.

Man. I’m REALLY not proud of some of the things I said in that thread- just because they come off as ignorant, dumb-assed, and self-rightious (sp?).

<img src=“”> In honour of this fine, fine piece of RPGC history that we rediscovered…


Bah. Why does everyone want to revel in stupidity?


TD, do you have like an avatar for every occasion, or something?

Good thing I didn’t meet the guy. He sounds like a total asshole. (sadin)

<img src=“”> Yes.

You liberal Joe-sixpack you are ruining mother Russia and my Holy Mother with your immigration.

lol, I just remembered that Merlin and I changed my name to “Sorc SixPack” for a while after this whole thing. that was funny ;p