RPGC: Bizarro Edition

I thought I made it preety obvious that I wasn’t striving for artistic perfection.

That’s wonderful, X. You know, if I had a peanut, I’d give you one.

Why not buy 'im a pizza? Always works for me.


Yeah! Yeah! And then we can have a bizarro pizza party!

Speaking of which, what would you be like in the Bizarro World?
-Yar Kramer
Nelson, NH.

“…Nelson, nuh.” Bizarro style, eh, Yar? Well, for starters, I’d be really dumb, ugly, and stupid. I’d think Homestar Runner and Strong Sad were the greatest guys in da universe, too! Oh, and Marzipan and I would, like, totally hate each other. And Strong Mad would be a genius. And he’d be really short an’ skinny, and make all these different inventions. And da Cheat would be a brilliant orator.

I have to say that Strong Bad already lives in a bizarro world.

Originally posted by Booken
[b]Oh, by better, I hope you did not remark such things as…

  1. The lack of background.
  2. Repreated images. He did not change sprites, even once.
  3. When people talk, they talk. That mean their mouth are usually opened.
  4. Quality, isn’t important, since that comic was more like a quick sketch or something.
  5. Except for Mr.Saturn, I don’t think that using different fonts for everyone was necessary
  6. I fail to get the joke. [/b]

It’s still better than 252’s comic.

Yeah, still better than 252’s comic.
I’ll pity the one who’ll say otherwise

Originally posted by Kor
It’s still better than 252’s comic.

That’s like discussing which worldwide mass genocide was better.

If you want artistic perfection, go look at the Mosa Lisa or something. That was pretty funny , just not the greatest thing on Earth.

Yes. The greatest thing on Earth is …

… kitties.

D’oh …

Yah! Mayl-kitty think NOTHING better than kitties!

Man, I love it when someone makes an alternate X. That was great. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Cloud Strife X
If you want artistic perfection, go look at the Mosa Lisa or something. That was pretty funny , just not the greatest thing on Earth.

It’s the Mona Lisa… And how is it artistic perfection, yet not the greatest thing on earth, and funny, at the same time?