Hi, i was wondering if any1 could help me out in my rpg i am making, i would give them full credit in the credits
The game is for the company (with a stupid name, but that duz not mean the rpg will be stupid, it’ll be serious) The game is for the company Epic•Moo§e :thud:
Any who the sprite i would like is of a guy with long blue or green hair. He is the hero, but is a theif (not rich to poor, richto himself) he is part of a clan of theives, but later gets “the hero in him awakened” so yeah to sum it up:
Long Blue or green hair
Pointy ears.
Cool outfit
Anything theifish
And anything else you think would be cool on him.
I’m sorry, I would, but your horrible spelling and grammer skills, and the, like, 6 Frogs in your sig has burned the eyes from their sockets. Sorry! Oh, and also, your ability to double post over and over again. See the bottom of your post? If there’s nobody esle’s post, you click the button that says “Edit”. Then, you can put what you have to say in your original post! Isn’t that COOL!?
Xander, I don’t know. I’ve never really worked with RPGMaker2003 or sprites for it, so you may have to try a forum dedicated to RPGMaker. I’m sure you’ll find one that will be nice and help you out.