Okay a common complaint about SaGa games in the U.S is their difficulty. Some say RS games are much harder than the other SaGa games. Well at least RS3 and RS2. If so then the ones who whined SF/SF2 were way too hard would probably throw a fit over RS2/RS3. Hence I have a bad feeling the RS games would be doomed here… Or maybe I’m just cynical. I still want a remake of RS3…
Eh, I never thought that RS3 was that hard =O I mean sure, there were some battles that could be difficult if you weren’t prepared, but I think games like Dragon Warrior 2 were a lot harder than RS3 really.
I remember the difficulty I had with SF2. Mind you, it was a long time ago and I wasn’t too experienced with the whole “freedom” thing. Meaning the RPG’s I usually played were a lot more dummied down and restricted. SF2 gave me a whole new outlook on gaming, but at the time I was playing it, I really, really hated much of the game’s aspects and the fact that there could be so much to do (and miss) at once. Thinking it over and getting into new types of RPG gameplay (one’s that weren’t necessarily just turnbased) makes me really want to play SF2 again because I think I judged it unfairly and the gameplay seems to appeal to me now.
Though from reading that RS is a lot more difficult I’d love to try those games for a challenge, and especially SF2 again.
I think most of the SaGa games are KINDA hard…RS3 was hard for me cos I rushed things, and the last boss was just insane SaGa Frontier was kinda hard for me cos it was one of my first. FFL1 is harder in the beginning until you get lotsa money then it’s just easy…FFL2 is really hard, even now, I think
SaGa Frontier 2…I’m sure EVERYONE had to start over again when they played. I know I got to the end not prepared to fight the last boss. Oh lordie. Unlimited SaGa was hard, but that’s mostly cos a lot of things weren’t explained well. It’s understandable, because they did that retarded contest at Square-Enix, but it was also kinda annoying, because they tried to make it more innovative without letting anyone know shit about how to play it, so you were on your own.
The Romancing SaGa games would never have had a chance in North America back when they were made. In fact, a lot of great games that I would have liked to have seen translated never would have had a chance. The gameplay would have been way too strange for all but a few hardcore RPG fans, and the games were different enough from the GB SaGa games that even those fans may have been turned off.
It’s sad really, but the market just wasn’t there back then. I’m just glad there’s now at least a chance of translation whenever a new and possibly innovative RPG comes out. Though I doubt we’ll ever see a remake of the RS games on any viable system, much less a translated remake. Square-Enix is too busy remaking FF and DQ/DW games.
Originally posted by Captain Vittles
Square-Enix is too busy remaking FF and DQ/DW games.
Now if only they’d remake FFIII and SD3. Yes those are things I want besides the RS games of course. And yeah I’d want them for PS. My eyes are not for portable systems…
I keep hearing FFIII is going to be remade for the GBA.
Yeah, that’s the big rumor ever since the WSC remake of FFIII got canned. But Square-Enix’s plans for the next fiscal year are shockingly devoid of FFs, aside from the PS2 FFXI release for North America and some FFXII development.
Ever notice that when Square-Enix has been remaking games, they stop before they get to the really good ones? We get FF and FFII, but not FFIII; SD but not SD2 or SD3; RS but not RS2; Makai Toushi SaGa but not SaGa 2. Very disturbing… not that the remade ones are bad (well, FFII kinda rots), but the ones lots of people would love to see remade aren’t on the list.
I saw a rumor of FF3 and Seiken Densetsu 3, or Secret or Mana, are going to be remade.
One complaint about SaGa games is the storyline. With SaGa Frontier, people expected another FF7, and that made most people not like it. I wish I had the game, I only have SaGa Frontier 2 and Unlimited SaGa.
The SaGa games are hard also because you must fight most of the times, and if you hate battles, you are not going to get anywhere.
That’s my gist of it, or what I think anyway.
I don’t think some of the later SaGa stuff is too bad in story. None of it is executed really well at all, but I mean, it gets some points on originality. SaGa Frontier had the Charlie’s Angels thing going on way before FFX-2’s YRP We had it in the form of Emilia Annie and Liza, which is a bit cooler to me, because the missions felt more Charlie’s Angels-ish at times than most of the stuff you have to do in X-2.
I just started Romancing Saga 3 and I finished Saga Frontier 2 …like 3 days ago. These games do give a challenge, but I like them. I have all except Unlimited…and I have the first two RS games, but in japanese. These games have an appeal that I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe because their so different from the common rpg that it appeals to me. Perhaps because their challenging and completing them gives me a sense of real accomplishment. I do sometimes wish that the stories would be meatier and often times I find myself lost because of it’s unlinearity. But it’s all good. I think it would be great if they ported the RS games to GBA or the PS. I think it’s about time.
As this is my favorite series, and I can’t speak/read a lick of Japanese, I also would love to see remakes for any/all of these games… Even though I’d probably overall would rather have a giant port/remake of all three games for PS2, I get a lot more time to play GBA (i work in a booth at a parking deck, giving me LOTS of free time), so i’d actually get to play them a lot more if it was portable. Heck, if they put them out for PSP, i’d buy one just for that.
I don’t know what everyone’s talking about, but RS3 was easy as pie.
Until I got to the final boss.
I had to restart because Sarah was one of my five players, and I didn’t have a sixth. A party of five has trouble, let alone a party of four.
Frankly, if the RS series had come over, I think it would’ve garnered as much respect as any other good-name RPG like Lufia. Back then, anyhow. If they brought it over now, you’re right, people would complain about the difficulty.
SF2 had the same problem as RS3. Relatively easy game with little need to level, until the final boss with his 100,000+ HP