There HAS to be an easier way to go between the Squares. I got a GateKeyB from a Virus Navi in Yumland (The reward of the “Pay in advance” job). But I can’t find the one for Koto square.
Also, I heard that once you get the Chng.bat you can get something called Hub Mode if you beat the three V3 Ghost Navis, the problem is that I have no idea who those are.
It also says something about the Real Bass appearing somewhere in the old WWW area and being optional or something, I don’t care if he has 2000 HP and deals 500 damage per hit, I HAVE TO FIGHT HIM DAMNIT!
I think GatekeyD is the one for Koto square and it will be a long time before you get it, if you just got change.bat so just stick to walking.
As for hub style, you don’t been to beat 3 of the v.3 ghost navis, you need to beat them ALL of the V.3 navis except for Bass.
Here’s a list I found that tells you all the areas for them, but you still probably have to look around to find them as they don’t always appear in battles in the entire area.
Why would you even want to delete Hub? It’s all the styles combined except it doesn’t have an elemental attribute. The lvl 3 flamethrower and lvl 3 bubbler are probably the only reasons you’d want a normal style over Hub, but even then, it’s Hub. You just don’t give up Hub.