Ripped Avatars

If anyone needs a custom game avatar, I can make one for you.

Erm, can you get me any avatar of Roy from Fire Emblem? I can’t find one >_<

Isn’t Fire Emblem a SNES game?

I don’t think he was in the SNES game. There was GB and NES as well, and I can’t find him or a rom.

<img src=“”> Roy is in a yet to be released Gamecube FE title.

I would try ripping it off of a SSBM pics, try

Thank you, R for reminding me that he was in SSBM.

How’s this DanteFury?

I pulled that off in about 5 minutes.

Cool! You’re quite skilled.

Could you please do the sprite picture of Judecca from Wild Arms 2 for me?

Don’t flatter me, dude! I’m not that good. Judecca? Never heard of it, but I’ll try…

Here it is…

If there’s anyone wrong with that, post back.

BTW, I will be deleting the previous pics every time someone new makes a request, so check back frequently.

Uhm, I think I was a little late, I can’t see that pic of Roy.

Check back soon. I will reupload.

That rocks! Outlines could be better, but it’s still cool.

NP, DF! It was a quick job. I only worked for like 5 minutes.

Thanks! 8)

I am still taking requests for everyone that is IGNORING my topic!

I wouldn’t say everyone is ignoring it, maybe they don’t NEED a ripped avatar.

You think you could make me a Bahamut from FFX without that spinny thing on his back? Thanks in advance.

I’ll work on it eventually… I guess you’re right, Sarrie. BXZ, I’ll try to find yours soon.

Well, while you’re getting Bahamut, do you think you could get me a Yojimbo? Thanks, and please, without the dog.

Well, while you’re getting Bahamut, do you think you could get me a Yojimbo? Thanks, and please, without the dog.

Can anyone make me a Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics. I have been trying to find a cool one but i cant find one of the right size so if you can help that would be nice.