Rest in Peace Ronald Reagan

Honestly, I didn’t know he had still been alive recently. ^^;

All the same…sad. :frowning:

My friend the hardcore conservative is yelling right now. Apparently he’s really ahppy. He’s telilng peo9pel all drunkenly that they should be happy.

Wait a sec… Hardcore conservative. Yelling about how Ronald Reagan sucked… huh?

Even for a drunk person, that’s really weird…

Maybe he’s praising the Reverence to come. The problem with Reagan dying – and it’s been something I’ve been dreading for years now – is that the Cult of Reaganites out there, who’ve been casting Reagan as some American Jesus for years now, are only gonna get louder and more obnoxious. And the critics of his policies and the mistakes of his administration are gonna pull punches for a little while, because we do go easy on people for a while right after they die (check it out: when Nixon died, everybody started going “well, you know, he wasn’t all THAT bad”).

And of course, the Cult of Reaganites are gonna be all “OMG Americahater u shut up u n33d to respect teh deadz0rz reagan is a god reagan reagan reagan” and drown out realistic looks at the Reagan years for quite a while. [Believe me, I’m seeing it already; there’s another forum I visit with a current events section/forum, and the tone is much more conservative there than we are here; it’s already begun.]

All right, with that off my chest, time to be civil; I don’t wish Alzheimer’s on anybody, it has to be very painful and frustrating for the family to watch someone they love be afflicted by alzheimer’s and degenerate under it. It’s sad that he went out that way; 93 years is normally a long, full, and rich life. May Reagan the human being rest in peace.