Resident Evil Apocalypse

Can anyone give me a timeline or huge summary of that movie, because I just did not understand it at all.

Basically Umbrella release the T-virus into Racoon city and the movie centres around everyone trying to get out. At the same time they also unleash Nemesis as they wish to have him face off against Alice to see which is the most powerful as a weapon, and when Alice eventually beats Nemesis she discovers it’s actually that guy who survived from the first film.

But that’s just what I thought.

Okay. It doesn’t in any way interface with the games, so that’s the first plot hole, but here’s what basically happened:

(sigh, I’ll put it in a spoiler tag)

At the end of the first movie, Matt was taken by Umbrella and injected with the G-Virus, which they for some reason call the “T-Virus” in both movies, despite the fact that the T-Virus makes zombies, and the G-Virus makes Nemesises. Matt was already injured, and thus his body didn’t take the G-Virus very well and he became the Nemesis monster. Alice was also injected with the G-Virus, but since she was doing pretty okay, she went the Wesker route and just became a general badass. If the movie were to accidentally coincide with any of the games (which it doesn’t, if anything it completely negates RE3), it’d happen during RE3, only instead of Jill being a badass and working with Carlos to escape Raccoon City, they instead are only have bad-assed, and Alice has to save them every few seconds with her G-Virus abilities.

When the outbreak is discovered, Umbrella tries to evacuate all of their top level staff and scientists, but the guy who invented the computer used in the Hive (Dr. Ashford, though not related to the Ashfords of Code: Veronica) wants to save his daughter, so he sends Alice, Jill and the gang messages to help them save his daughter, and get out of Raccoon. Umbrella, of course, monitors all of this, and finds Alice, Jill, and Carlos (and random wacky black guy) as they’re leaving via helicopter, and end up killing Dr. Ashford. However, Alice somehow wins a fist fight with Nemesis in the most useless action scene ever in any movie, and they escape Raccoon. Their helicopter crashes, Alice is taken back by umbrella, and implanted with something that lets them control her movement, and is then picked up by Carlos and Jill (with little girl and black guy) and they drive off toward the horizon. The end.[/spoiler]

DD- yes yes I understood all of that, but what I meant was, what the hell happened to Alice, what was the significance of Jill and Carlos in the end ( were they being blamed for something?) blah blah blah.

Sat- so if he wasn’t injured, what would he have turned into? A super human guy like Alice? And why was he chosen? Why was Alice chosen? So what happened in the end again? Were they all discovered? I can’t remember the ending too well. Was this before or after Alice went into the water tank and lost her memory…and then gained it back? What happened after that? Why were Jill and Carlos looking like bad guys? What happened to them?

Okay, no more spoiler tags, anyone who didn’t want to be spoiled wouldn’t have scrolled down this far.

Alice and Matt were chosen because they’d already seen the hive, and they were a risk if they were let free. So, instead of killing them, they experimented on them.

Based on what we learned from RE2/RECV, if you’re injected with the G-Virus when you’re not injured, you become a super-human like Wesker. If you’re injected while you’re injured/dying, you become a beast/freak like Nemesis or William Birkin. Thus, since Matt was hurt, he became the Nemesis monster, since Alice wasn’t, she became a superhuman.

At the end, Alice was taken from the helicopter wreck, and Umbrella put the implant in her that allows them to control her movements. This implant is what caused her to temporarily lose her memories. As she remembered who she was, Jill and Carlos happened to show up to try to save her. They were dressed like Umbrella agents to sneak into the Umbrella base. Alice left with them, but she’s secretly being controlled by Umbrella, so she’ll probably be the villian in the next film, or they’ll have to save her by removing the implants.

Ah…that makes sense. So why are they controlling her? And who is Alice, anyway?

If you saw the first movie, Alice was the head of security at the Hive, which was the secret underground Umbrella research facility. She was upset when she learned what Umbrella was doing there, and collaborated to expose them, when the outbreak occurred. I can’t even imagine why they implanted Alice with the G-Virus since they knew she tried to betray her, but I assume they’re trying to control her because she has the G-Virus.

Umbrella also wanted to see which one of their two experiments were stronger, Alice OR Nemesis. They were controlling Nemesis, but he broke out of their control. And since Alice ended up surviving, and sort of proving she was the stronger one, Umbrella ‘needed’ to control her. Since they are all about having a strong weapons. And Alice would be their strongest weapon, if she was under their control.

Veddy veddy interesting. I’m reading the video game plot analysis now. It’s just like reading about Silent Hill and Breath of Fire, as I have done before, and getting all of the good stuff that I miss whilst playing :stuck_out_tongue: All I need now is some popcorn.

Are you implying that you haven’t played the Silent Hill <I>or</I> Resident Evil games?!?! :open_mouth:

It is now <B>REQUIRED</B> that you play both Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 2!

I’ve played neither series…:frowning: If someone can give me a permanent bravery boost and take away my motion sickness, then I’ll GLADLY play them. I just get scared very easily!

Want a bravery boost? Just play them with someone who’s more afraid of them than you are. That’s how I got over Fatal Frame.

The Resident Evil movies seem to be a bastardized mash up of the the numbered REs up to 3 and Code Veronica as far as I can tell. Can’t confirm it since CV is the only one I haven’t played. They did eliminate the whole Wesker storyline because in my humble opinon it’s convoluted and stupid.

You can’t diss the Wesker storyline if you’ve never played Code Veronica, as that’s the primary game that talks about Wesker (he’s really not discussed much in RE1, despite being a central character, you don’t know much about his motivation). When you play CV (particularly CVX), Wesker as a whole makes a lot more sense, and actually is a pretty damn cool plot twist.

And the movies aren’t supposed to follow the games at all, that wouldn’t make for a very interesting movie; it’d be about 25 minutes of movie and about an hour of trying to find a Wolf Medal.

And just FYI, the plural of nemesis is “nemeses”.

I’m liking what I’ve read about RE. So far, I’ve gone through the storylines of 1, 2 and 3, I believe. Silent Hill’s storyline still intruiges me a lot more, though RE has something to it, and I can’t stop reading. I’m such a nerd :stuck_out_tongue: I think I would go play them, providing I get someone to cuddle me through them ^^ Or what Sat suggested. But those kinds of games make me want to throw up. Hell, Super Mario Kart always made me want to puke after ten minutes or so. I need to tackle that little problem.

I know, I just think the plural should be different when referring to THE Nemesis. Thus, Nemesises. Besides, it’s more fun to say. :smiley: