Remember that thread I made called "I love you guys" or somthing?

I change my mind, now I hate you all. And I’m probably going to be going away for a while, starting in a couple years.


I especially hate Ackbar, and Xelo, and some other guy.

And I like totally didn’t think this thread out before I made it.

Just tell me how much you love me, so I wont be depressed and not hate you guys anymore.

I hate you too. Go home and die.

I want to bear your children! DON’T LEAVE ME!

Yeah right you do, empty talk

well, I want to have sex with somone, gimme your address, we’ll have sex.


-huggles Charl-

Don’t be sad. And don’t hate me. ;-;

Wilfredo reads Charlie’s thread

Wilfredo feels sorry for Charlie

Wilfredo wonders if Charlie is really depressed or just goofing off again

Wilfredo wonders why he’s such a blasted bleeding heart

Wilfredo knows he will care anyway

Best wishes, Charlie.


Originally posted by Charlemagne
well, I want to have sex with somone, gimme your address, we’ll have sex.

3 Fleming Court, St. Mary’s Terrace, Westminster, London, W2 1SE.

Charl did the wrong teams job. Laugh.

If you’ll recall, I told you I loved you in your ‘The END is Near’ thread, and you responded by wishing the asteroid would hit me. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t hate you.

Good, now you’re back to normal.

pats charl
We know you hate us charl… we know.

Charl, hatred of everyone is my gig, back off it face-eater. YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE OLD MAN, IT’S MY TURN NOW AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Yeah I really dont know why you made this thread.

I don’t hate you. I don’t love you either.

/me Expresses ambivalence over Charle’s hate. At least, I would, if not for the fact that it would require more effort than I feel this state of affairs merits.

You’re apathetic about being apathetic?

eh, I guess.

I dunno.

I don’t really care.

How can you hate me? I’m lovable!
Seriously, you’re an inspiration to me in some twisted way.

I love your avatar, Urkani. Do you love mine? I made it myself.

And take a joke, Caleb.

Yes, I like yours, Picard is still better however. Picard is always better.

gives Charle a cookie You know that we care about ya, Charle. RPGC isn’t the same without our very own facehugger.