Real men cry over video games

:bowser: At least that is what I am telling myself.

I recently played through Chrono Trigger again, with my ongoing save state, trying to max out Ayla’s level for the upgraded fist weapons, and well, I decided to kill Lavos.

Then I was sitting there, watching the end sequence and when Robo went back through the portal into a non-existant future, I actually cried.

Now for the point of this thread: Am I really just that emotionally soft, or does anybody else cry for video game characters? And crying because a power outage fried your save slot doesn’t count, I mean actually feeling so much empathy for the characters that you are brought to tears through their sorrow.

So please, set a little machismo and pride aside, and share your most heart wrenching video game moment.

SIDE NOTE ABOUT CHRONO TRIGGER: Ozzy, Slash, and FLea are the evil henchmen of Magus; Ozzy is the lead singer of Black Sabbath, Slash the guitarist for Guns N Roses, Flea the bassist for The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Coincidence or evil plot?

I cried at the end of Half Life 2. Poor Alyx. :frowning:

Re the musicians, it’s not a coincidence. I believe the translator has said that the names were intentional.
As a side note, the original name of Nikki from CC was Slash (same guitar thing). They had to change it because the of English name of the CT Slash. In Japanese the trio were Soy-Sauce, Mayonnaise, and Vinegar.

Well, I never cried over a game, but I got close to it. I almost cried listening to FF-IX ending theme and, on a side note, when Cait Sith #1 goes voluntarily towards his “death” is quite a sad moment. If I remember something else I’ ll let you know.

Crying over a game doesn’ t make you a sissy or a kid, people cry reading books or watching movies, it’ s the story that makes you cry, not the game or something else.

I haven’ t cried when my HDD got fried, so I won’ t cry for lost saves. :wink:

Hmmm…so that’ s why they suck… :hahaha;

Cait Sith was a lifeless doll controlled by Reeve, what on earth was sad about that?

No, I have not cried over a video game but stuff like FFIX’s ending can get me a bit emotional.

That the game does everything to make you cry, making you forget what Cait Sith is.

Dialac from DW7 was the only time that ever got that emotional while playing a game. A couple of my friends choked up during the tragic changing of the discs of FF7, and there have been other scenes that have made me jump back or get angry in games, but I’ve always had a hard time in movies, television, or games becoming too attached to fictional characters. Now, when it’s a real story or something, that gets me a little more.

Maybe that’s why Fatal Frame scared me so much, cause it said “BASED ON A TRUE STORY” right on the cover… >_>

Are you talking about those five minutes he spends walking towards the puzzle/altar/thing while saying “Don’t forget me”? Because all I could think of during that scene was “You just said it doesn’t matter, you are a goddamn doll, what the hell are you talking about?”.

LOL. :hahaha;
That’ s what I thought, but NOT on my 1st play through, though…
Ah, and this time YOU revealed what I marked as spoiler! :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of the time when I hear about people crying due to video games, it’s usually due to Lufia 2’s ending.

They should have called him Marilyn.

The end of FFX really got me. I don’t cry, it’s just something I can’t do, but when you-know-what happened I just sort of sat there thinking “what the FUCK.” That was really saddening for me.

I don’t remember evercrying at during a video game. There have been a few moments that have been emotional, but I just don’t get that involved in the game to cry about something in it.

Aeris. (Didn’t make me cry…but I was a bit saddened)

I got misty eyed quite a few times, but I cry during Homeward Bound and Angel and even when Aeris died (thank goodness!) so I’m obviously a real pansy.

Eva is more man than any of you!

I’m not realyy a cryer. But I get emotional at certain points in games. Like deaths and stuff.

Oh, I forgot one. FFIV made me choke up at two points, and get sad at two others. So I don’t need to spoil anything, they were scenes with (in order) the twins, Tella, Yang, and Cid. I think the scene with Palom and Porom is still one of the saddest moments in any game I’ve ever played.

I cried after reading <i>Chobits</i>, I’ll admit, but I don’t ever remember crying over some tragedy in the story of a videogame.

Not that they haven’t affected me emotionally; that’s why I play the Silent Hill series. In SH2, once I had been apprised of all the things that happened in James Sunderland’s past, I almost didn’t want to continue on. I felt mildly sick to think that this was the avatar I was meant to project myself into, and I really didn’t want him to be saved, although I had worked hard toward that end up to that point.

Props to Delita for a good topic.

Wow, Kraken, that’s the best description I’ve ever seen of the emotional state I had the first time I finished SH2.