Re-ignited passion!

Well, the word for “shit!” can also be translated as “Damn it” or just plain “damn!”. Not terribly shocking.

Card Captor Sakura - done by the same people who did Chobits, this is a light and fairly fluffy shoujo manga, which I recommend. However, DO. NOT. GET. THE. DUB.

Thank you.

X/1999 - I obsess over this. ^^; Bishounen, violence, and the end of the world. What’s not to like? Also done by CLAMP. The OVA wasn’t that good.

Excel Saga - If you like teh funny, get this.

Read or Die is great, I’d also suggest Star Ocean Ex (I don’t know if it’s even been translated), Princess Mononoke is a good movies, as in Kiki’s Delivery Service (although a bit geared towards younger viewers).

Originally posted by Gizamaluke
BTW, Sonic says “SHIT!” in english in Episode 2 Japanese. :stuck_out_tongue:

=0 Wow! A word i’ve never heard before!

And i though SD gundam sucked personally.

I loved X. Excel was a bit too… chaotic for me, but it was ok. @_@

I watched the Revolutionary Girl Utena movie last night and all I can say is… wtf? ?_? It wasn’t exactly what I had expected. But, um… I should prob’ly watch the tv episodes first…? I guess I’m not too into the ultra romantic lesbian scenes… ;p

CC Sakura doesn’t interest me too much… though I’d like to see RG Veda (which I believe is also by Clamp).

Oh… and I always wanted to take a look at Blue Seed. One day, I guess… <.<

Originally posted by Devillion
=0 Wow! A word i’ve never heard before!

Well it is a tad surprising that SHIT! would be in a kids anime.

If you use BitTorrent, I highly recommend Shingutetsan Tsukihime. You can get it here. It’s only 12 Episodes.

Someone please watch Magic Knight Rayearth. It’s also by Clamp, and that should be enough to convince you to watch it.

It’s fantasy, half magical girl, but without the Sailor Moon pointlessness. Has one of the greatest ending twists of all time. Just don’t watch the dubbed version.

RG Veda would be worth seeing, but does anyone know how many episodes there were?

Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian
[b]Someone please watch Magic Knight Rayearth. It’s also by Clamp, and that should be enough to convince you to watch it.

It’s fantasy, half magical girl, but without the Sailor Moon pointlessness. Has one of the greatest ending twists of all time. Just don’t watch the dubbed version. [/b]

I love MKR. I’ve only seen the first season though (fansubbed, and this was about 6 or so years ago). How many seasons are there in total, do you know?

proudly owns Excel Saga btw

Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian
[b]Someone please watch Magic Knight Rayearth. It’s also by Clamp, and that should be enough to convince you to watch it.

It’s fantasy, half magical girl, but without the Sailor Moon pointlessness. Has one of the greatest ending twists of all time. Just don’t watch the dubbed version. [/b]
I’m in the process of getting it, but I do have the manga. :smiley:

Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian
[b]Someone please watch Magic Knight Rayearth. It’s also by Clamp, and that should be enough to convince you to watch it.

It’s fantasy, half magical girl, but without the Sailor Moon pointlessness. Has one of the greatest ending twists of all time. Just don’t watch the dubbed version. [/b]

Isnt that a game?

Yes, but there’s an anime too. I haven’t played nor seen any of it however :stuck_out_tongue:

Two full seasons, Astral, then a short OVA (which I haven’t seen).

Epic) My roomate has most of the manga, but not the last few to what would correspond to the anime as the second season.

Devillion) Yes, it is. I <a href=“”>shrined</a> the SNES game. There was also a Saturn one I’ve never played translated by none other than Working Designs.