Random Question: Who is the most 1337 Castlevania hero? Discuss!

I personaly think Trevor Belmont is the coolest, since he’s the star of the first Castlevania game I ever played…& stuff. I mean, I’ve bee a fan of the series since I got Castlevania 3 for NES right when it came out! I know my stuff! :smiley: Anywhoo, who is your favorite? Yes, your options include the new protagonists who are NOT Belmonts (Soma, Alucard, Nathan, etc…). Discuss!!

You mean Simon. Simon was the hero of the first castlevania game.

I think he meant the first game he played, not the first game ever.

Lun: The first castlevania game he played was CV3, which the hero was trevor.

I liked Trevor alright (though I’ve only played the NES Castlevanias). I think I prefer Simon though. Just because he started the whole series.

Ah, right.

Simon. 8-directional whip in SCV 4. 'nuff said.

Alucard, he’s sexy… And son of dracula…

EDIT: Soma is more sexy than Alucard, but I’m pretty sure Alucard could pwn Soma.

Seconded. Vampires are yummy.

Originally posted by Exo
[b]Alucard, he’s sexy… And son of dracula…

EDIT: Soma is more sexy than Alucard, but I’m pretty sure Alucard could pwn Soma. [/b]

Um…Soma kind of is Dracula, but with better powers now or something

Alucard’s my favorite, though.

But Alucard pwned Dracula at the end of SOTN, so Alucard is stronger than Soma.

I have to go with Simon as my favorite, though.

I like Juste Belmont the most.

True, Alucard could pwn Soma, but I think Nathan could pwn Alucard, Juste would have his ass handed to him by Trevor though…

Sonia. I mean, come on, she was the first Belmont in the timeline to beat big bad Drac, and she was buds with Alucard. And she’s Trevor’s mom.

I didn’t say Juste was the toughest, I just think he’s the coolest :P.

Simon. He could kick everyone’s ass!

Richter, he didn’t need dem fancy levels or varied weapons, subweapons, Vampire Killer and he was all set.

Although Maria was the best helper ever, especially if you could get her special move right.

I wonder what It’s be like if you could play as Maria…

wrong forum

Dunno for SOTN, but in Castlevania X…PWNAGE! Her illusion punch strike was a killing machine.