Question about the Inferno.

Fair enough. Everyone’s entitled to their own beliefs. And if everyone believed that then there’d be a helluva lot less wars. But there you go.

then it ISNT to scale!

Yes it is. A 1 to 666 scale.

Dante as anti-Muslim is also overstated. He puts <i>all</i> non-Catholics in hell. Saladin, the Muslim equivalent of Richard the Lionhearted, is right next to Virgil, Plato, Homer: all people whom Dante respects immensely. They’re all in the first layer of hell, a castle where there’s peaceful sorrow and no suffering. Again, Dante may have been bloodthirsty and vengeful, but he was more or less fair besides that.

no it isnt! << I’m surprised nobody has pointed that out yet, it was quite popular a while ago (but don’t come posting your goddamn results now :P). It also contains descriptions to the layers of hell, however I haven’t read all of them so I can’t confirm that everything is correct.

Too bad the picture doesnt load, I bet its really funny though.