Q: What does a sorceress wear?

I think the fourth one best befits a sorceress, but in truth sorceresses have many shapes and sizes, so all of the above seem fine. I guess that the fourth one, with the cape, seems more mysterious, and, by extension, magical, but I am truly sure.

I think the fourth is indeed the most “sorceressy”. HOWEVER, you asked which one would be more appropiate for Autumn AND would not attract much attention, so I voted for #3.

And btw, GREAT artwork, Trill, thought we expect no less from you. :cool:

1 - Seems too cumbersome for a Sorceress.
2 - Looks the awesomest, but maybe a different weapon would have to do? I just can’t see a Sorceress with a short sword. Even if it is merely part of a disguise, maybe an easier weapon to carry, like a dagger, would be more believable?
3 - Looks like the most discrete design, even though I think I like 2’s look better overall. :stuck_out_tongue: I think it’s the shoes. It’s a hard decision to make. :stuck_out_tongue:
4 - Looks a little too Sorceress-ey. That’s kinda givin’ it away, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

So, my vote goes to either 2 or 3…I really like the way 2 looks, but that weapon should change.

Thanks for the comments, guys…the 4th design is the one I was originally going to work with, but I felt that it didn’t quite fit the bill.
The swords are more or less just for show, her main weapon is actually a dagger made out of a steel feather (based off of the Native American feather-fans.)