PV is *still* a dumbass. (Wild ARMs 2 help needed~)

Okay. For Wild ARMs 2, I’m at Raypoint Muse, in the room with the two statues (The lonely virgin Muse…). I have no idea what to do. I suck. :frowning: How do I get past this room so I can finally get the Raypoints done with?

First of all, stop saying that! Do you know how long it took me to figure out the thing about raising the Gate Bridge? The game’s puzzles are difficult at times, and this is one of those times.

Now, this isn’t explained very well at all by the game, but what you have to do is head back to the main room (remember the room with all the water?) and head to one of those rooms where you had to push blocks to reach the treasure chests and the valves to shut off the water. Notice how most of those rooms have 2 Muse statues? Well, the northernmost room has only one statue. Use the Jump Shoes on the southernmost jump pad to reach this room.

Now, approach the statue, stand right in front of it, then take 5 steps north, and 3 steps west. Jump on the floor there.

…Makes sense.
