Public kissing dissallowed for minors in Britain?

Xelo, source please.

Originally posted by Green Mage
Probably hiding on Google somewhere.

“Adams Family Values script” gets one hit. Not a script. Reviews. Blah.

And I don’t think this’ll be passed. Not like it’ll matter if it does.:ah-ha!:

This should prove interesting.

Seems like a good idea to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just wish I had someone TO kiss… THEN I would start worrying about things like this… of course, I don’t live in Britain anyways.

I don’t mind so much, seeing as how I don’t live, and most likely never plan to live there. Though, I do sympathize (I don’t even know if that’s spelled right, or if that’s the right word. O_x) with kids that live there. :too bad;

This law project must have been started by someone who never got a date during his/her teens and now that person wants everybody who has a boy or girlfriend to suffer.

As somebody who NO-ONE wanted to kiss when I was a minor, I will out of pure spite, bitterness, and jealousy, give this asinine law my spiritual support.

Take that, kids!

…I don’t get action, NOBODY gets action…

:get it?:

This country blows.

Good luck trying to enforce it.

You mean people were allowed to kiss in Britain? Egads!


Kids: make out
Cop: finds said kids making out
Kids: continue to make out
Cop: To hell with it. leaves

I can’t believe someone even thought of it, they have to be the strangest people ever. It is for this very reason why I hate this country, and would just love to be able to go and live either in America, or Japan. Much better countries.

Anyway, at least I’m over that age limit, just. But that still won’t stop me from hating this law, if it is put in practice.

Again all I can do is point to the quote in my sig. I’ve been trying to find out who said it but I haven’t had any luck. It’s probably annonomus anyway.

Wait a sec? Do they mean ALL kinds of couples? What about alternative couples? Or other couples? If they can’t allow 5 guys to grope & make out in public or at least a dark alley, then I’m goin to France, at least it’s legal there.

Thats worse then the law we have here in Wisconsin… with the only being able to have 1 person in the car for the first 9 months of having your liscense… but eh… what the law doesnt know wont hurt it… :hahaha;

I have a sudden urge to make things go boom now. Fuckin retarded laws.

My problem is, it’s hard enough to find somewhere where her parents won’t find out without some cop bothering us. Her parents are very protective.

Originally posted by Cala

Kids: make out
Cop: finds said kids making out
Kids: continue to make out
Cop: To hell with it. leaves [/b]

Probably… I mean, they would hardly bother with that when they have more important tasks to perform.

Originally posted by Uriel
If they can’t allow 5 guys to grope & make out in public or at least a dark alley, then I’m goin to France, at least it’s legal there.

What the fuck? I don’t want to see people groping each other in public anyway, kissing is fine. 5 men all groping and making out is a LITTLE too far even for my tastes though.