<p align=“center”><img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/pqtitle.txt”></p>
Chapter 1: The Beginning, stupid.
<strike>Call me Ishmael</strike>
<strike>Call me Jeff</strike>
<strike>It was a dark and stormy night</strike>
<strike>Once upon a time</strike>
And so it came to pass, in a year that doesn’t really matter at this particular point, that a young boy of great <strike>expectations</strike> <strike>conquests</strike> stuff, but of little authoring skills, set out from his <strike>fair</strike> gloom village on a quest. Words had been flying through the air of riches to be won and stats to be heightened to soaring levels in the mystical land beyond the chilly mountains of That Place We Can’t Pronounce Because It’s Spelled Stupidly.
Verily, twas a bright morning, the birds were mellowing in the sunlight, and all was right with the world. Climbing to the top of the nearest hill, he looked down upon the grassy plains that would no doubt form the greater part of his quest. What with the greenness, and all. Y’know.
“Christ, my feet doth hurt,” quothed the brave-ish warrior, for the hill was tall and his shoes cheap and nasty. They had been discounted though, and so he had no reason to complain.
And so, armed with his Stick of Sharpness and his Plastic Shield, the youth did depart on, heading for the mystical lands beyond the chilly peaks of TPWCPBISS. Maybe he should have packed more socks.
And verily, <strike>verily, verily, verily, life was but a dream</strike> he didst meet an old man upon the bleak cobbled roads on the way to thenext village; Boomtown, The Town What Does Not Sleep.
“Hail, young man, I am but a crippled begger, and not a Mysterious Old Tricker, as is usually the way of things. Honest.” the old one delceared. And Jeff did ignore him, being well-versed in how these things go, and so walked on.
“Get back here, you little bastard, or I’ll smack you in the balls when you sleep,” the old one quoth, and thrice more before Jeff didst look upon him again.
“Aye, what dost though want, ye old codger,” Jess decreed, keeping his sharp stick in his hand.
“Verily, tis a quest!” the man declared, and pointed to yonder hills. The ones in the distance. “I am but a poor man, for my gold has been stolen by my bitch of a wife.”
“Ah! She put a spell upon thee!” Jess declared, being well-versed in how these things go as well.
“No, divorce. Bastard lawyers,” the old man corrected, and Jeff was humbled. “If thou canst defeat my wife and reclaim my gold, I can show ye the way through the mountains of TPWCPBISS!”
Jess gasped. “Gasp! But how didst thou know I was heading for the peaks of TPWCPBISS!?” Jess asked.
“Ye have packed many socks. Not enough thou, I warrent ye.”
“Oh. Right.”
And so Jeff set off to reclaim honour, gold, and smite the unscrupulous wife and her bastard lawyers. Twas a not-so-mighty quest, to be sure, but twas the <strike>stupidest</strike> first step on his way of stat enlargement, on his great Quest for Progress.
End of chapter 1
As you can guess, I’m doing a fic on the best MMORPG EVAR. Tell me what you think.
Leave your name, race, and preferred weaponry and I’ll shove you in at some point. Participants must be prepared to use Ye Olde Englishe phrases. You have been warned.
Progress Quest. The RPG where you it back and watch.
Also check MT’s thread on it.