President Bush to declare immediate hostilities over in Iraq

He says it’s over, but i don’t see peace in Iraq very soon… Those ayatolas are planning a mass rebellion.

All I can say is Yay, I guess.

We need to get the fuck out already. Vetti Venni Vicci and all that, but we do need to leave. We said we would let them govern themselves or whatever, I’d like to see that start happening, especially so that more things like what happend yesterday (A firefight broke out in a northern iraqi town that left over a dozen people dead and a number of people wounded) don’t happen anymore, at least to our people.

However, we haven’t quite found Saddam Hussein yet, if he’s still alive, which knowing him he could very well be. Until that happens, which I don’t forsee it happening for some time, then we’ll be there for a while, which is only going to lead to more anti-america protests and more incidents, like the one I described, to happen.

I believe there’ll be soldiers there 'till the day there’s no more oil in there or when oil is not valuable anymore, whichever comes first.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
We need to get the fuck out already. Vetti Venni Vicci and all that, but we do need to leave. We said we would let them govern themselves or whatever, I’d like to see that start happening, especially so that more things like what happend yesterday (A firefight broke out in a northern iraqi town that left over a dozen people dead and a number of people wounded) don’t happen anymore, at least to our people.

Even if we’d all like to see it, we’re all nobodies posting on a gaming website.

Hell, even if we were someone important…

Well, I kinda agree with the idea of helping rebuild the Government and Economy of a coutry after you blow the shit out of it. For example, WWII happened because of our neglect to do so after WWI. I don’t really want to see more Middle Easterners pissed off with the US than there already are.

Hussein is not only supposedly alive, but wrote a letter to some Arabic newspaper encouraging people to revolt. It’s not certain that it was he who wrote it, though. Regardless, the administration already covered itself by saying that it’s alright to declare victory without having gotten him.

Originally posted by Igatona
[b]Even if we’d all like to see it, we’re all nobodies posting on a gaming website.

Hell, even if we were someone important… [/b]

I don’t see how that has to do with anything. I didnt say I was gonna fly over there and do something about it, just saying that I think we should be out already.

After alot of model UN debating on this subject I have come to see that a “perfect” UN could handle the situation with the government, but since it isn’t someone has to stay in there until a government is in place

These groups comprised of nation leaders don’t usually work very well, the UN hasn’t been anywhere near as ineffective as the League of Nations, but I can’t exactly say it’s been extremly effective either.

No, if anything good comes out of this, it will be because we stayed and made a sustained nation-building effort to help Iraq get off its feet. If we leave now, we’ll be looking at a bloc of Shiite Fundamentalist governments right next to the Persian Gulf.

A lot of U.S. officials’ feelings are centered toward rebuilding Iraq, but now a good number of Islamic protestants have gathered and are waving anti-American and anti-Israel flags. They want to govern themselves as an Islamic government, and I don’t disagree with that, but there is still political unrest in Iraq. Even if we do stay, American soldiers won’t exactly be praised, and because of the shootings that happened, probably the opposite.

Yeah, we landed in an extremely precarious position here. The more we crack down on the religiously insane fundamentalists, the more support they will get around the Arab world. On the other hand, the more we let them work unrestrained, the more room they will have to get support.

I’d rather say it’s now the true battle begins for the neo-conservative government: To pull their Iraqi Project through without looking like imperialists. And for the Iraqi people to establish a government of their own.

Well, at least the soldiers have orders to not “hire” the resident hookers, right?

I hope that things get handled smoothly. I personally would like to see the soldiers help restore the infrastructure and such, but uh I can’t think of anything more on that. I hope they handle any transitions and changes slowly, though.

And on a plus side, most of the US troops in Saudi Arabia are beginning to be withdrawn. That’s good, right?

Originally posted by Jiharn
Well, at least the soldiers have orders to not “hire” the resident hookers, right?

I think it wasn’t needed in the past few years since now there’s an ever increasing amount of women joining the army. When there were only men they’d either do like people in the navy or go for the locals, but now they’ll just go for their colleagues.

Originally posted by Nulani
I’d rather say it’s now the true battle begins for the neo-conservative government: To pull their Iraqi Project through without looking like imperialists. And for the Iraqi people to establish a government of their own.

Yep. And if the Iraqi people decide to establish a goverment of their own that just happens to lean too far towards Islamic fundamentalism… I fear we’ll get back into our old habit of correcting peoples who don’t practice democracy right (like those silly Chileans who erroneously elected Allende in the early 70’s) and democratically electing other people’s leaders for them.

That will be the kiss of death for any government we endorse in its stead (as if our mere endorsement won’t be that already). And it may not be avoidable.
I mean, I sure don’t want to see a Fundamentalist government in Iraq (or ANYWHERE for that matter) but then, I’m not an Iraqi citizen, so it’s not my call.

Maybe we should endorse the Islamic Fundamentalist government movement, and by our saying “yeah, we like these guys” make it unappealing to the Iraqi and middle-eastern world? Maybe if we back the fundamentalists nobody will want to vote for them anymore… :wink: [if only it were that simple…]

1-I’d say people are still pretty hostile
2-Defining hostilities as combat, I’m not too sure how hostile things were 8P (yes there was combat, but come on, this certainly wasn’t trench warfare, the US probably found more empty bunkers and abandoned weapons than people to carry em)

This is all PR shit.

it’s more of an official end of the “war” phase more than a PR move.