Poké G/S - HTML (/TD)

And as an aside, you might want to factor Crystal in. The game is similar enough to GS to make it worth adding into the one shrine.

Poké Crystal is currently taken by Ttosk who registered it on December 28/02. I have asked for it. I think The Crystal Walkthrough might slighty deveate from GS at times. I Have made it easy for a Crystal walk though using my GS. Nearly every thing else is either compareing Differnces or Idenitcal. Taking Crystal will be easy. Getting the Cart a bit harder though.


If it was up to me, I’d combine the Gold/Silver/Crystal shrines, but the Crystal shrine has been in production since Cid was running the Join Page, and I’d feel bad stripping Ttosk of the shrine when he does such a good job keeping in touch with me, when I have smaller shrines that have been in production longer by people who respond less to status check emails (coughZeldacough)

Hmm. Since no-one has yet asked for Emerald then, could I claim that as part of Ruby/Sapphire? :smiley:

Sure, although I won’t add it to the database officially until it’s released in America.

But when it is, let me know and I’ll give it to you. In the meantime, you can go ahead and start integrated it into your shrine.
