I need a bit of help with something. I’m trying to make a friend a couple of plushie or stuffed animal characters as a gift, and they’re both human characters of fairly simple design.
My question is how to start. Would it be best to draw up a pattern, copy an existing pattern and work with that, or buy a “blank” stuffed human figure and work from there? And if the latter is my best option, where can I purchase such things? Money is not really a problem, and neither is time, for I have a month to complete these before the person’s birthday arrives.
I’d very much appreciate any help or advice in this matter.
I’ve looked for plushie ‘blanks’ but have not found any. :\ Unless you’re highly skilled in visualizing a pattern from scratch, probably the quickest way to make a plushie would be to take an existing (and preferably cheap) one and take it apart with a seamripper and trace the individual pieces on paper.
You should check out the UFO Catcher forum for more info, and there’s a nice little tutorial on materials and a beginner’s pattern for plushies at http://www.babylondonstar.com. Good luck!
Jesus fucking Christ, Setz. Do you take every fucking chance you get to spam? Try not posting in every fucking thread you see for a change.
Well, Dalt, if you do end up using Trill’s suggestion of taking a plushie apart the best place to find them is to go to a mall and look for one of those little kiosks that sells them. You can find almost anything from them.