Pig Brother

No, it’s not about anyone’s siblings. It’s not a typo either. After Big Brother, we now have a reality show starred by pigs.

From the little I’ve understood, there are now six contestants left (Kalle, Oskar, Willy, Luise, Berta & Sophie), though I’ve seen more than six in the pics. It is supposed to be exactly the same as Big Brother but with swines instead of humans. I don’t know how the elimination system works for this one though.

They got 1.5 million pageviews in two weeks. It’s in Germanish, though: http://www.wildtiere-live.de/

Really, going after something like this should be worthy a throphee for excessive lack of life.

I’m losing faith in television.

Germans are Crazy! They should be called Crazies! *Nod, nod.