Phrases that bother me

All Your Base and Ultimate Evil. The world would be a better place without people overusing them.

“Me too” as an answer instead of “me neither”.

What about ‘can I ask a question?’ Apparently you can, since you just did! That was the only one you get, sorry. Shouldn’t have wasted it asking if you could ask your question, and just ask the question.

Its like saying pardon me, but making it more personal and engaging.:suckah:

I know this is a phrase…cause every encephalopathy-ridden human uses it here: “Talking shit” I HATE that phrase. I mean, could you make yourself sound any less immature? Why not substitute it for “irrational assumptions” or “speaking ill” not “TALKING SHIT” Its makes you sound like you never had a decent education.

And the word “Drama”, used by every high school kid around. As if their lives are top-filled with problems of utter significance. And it usually pertains to some kid whoring around and/or speaking out of his ass. "I like to use “Problematic events” Sure its longer, but the cost of 5 more syllables wont kill you. Godamnit.

Because people who speak Shakespearean in day-to-day conversation are the ones who get beat up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, I say most of these phrases. They don’t bother me. ^^

Wouldn’t be caught dead.

lol mitsuko’s talking shit about talking shit.