Phoeni...err...Mr. All Right Ace Attorney 4

So this is what happens when you hit a guy over the head with a bottle of Grape Juice. Makes me want 3 all the more now. :suckah:

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw Phoenix in such a miserable state was having the EBA’s coming into the court to do their thing.

Wow, there’s a lot of Ace Attorney talk going on here now (nevermind my avatar). I need to hurry up and swipe a copy of the first game from ebay.

I can’t wait for Phoenix Wright 3. I’m counting down the days. The fourth Ace Attorney seems like it has some nice added features. That installment looks like it’s going to be as excellent as the rest.

Are you ready? 3, 2, 1 GO!:dancer:

That does it, I’m getting the first 2 games the second I get the chance, they look cool and I’m tired of being out of the loop. xD

Ummm, and as I have not played it yet, but you all seem excited…yay?