I just download a lot of file-sharing problems, and if I don’t find the song I’m looking for, I check another one. Kazaa Lite is my main one, though. It’s worked fine for me for a long time.

No. UseNet forums. Entirely different.

Check out emule (http://www.emule-project.net/). It’s my favorite all-around P2P program. It’s second only to IRC for massiveness. You can find almost anything there. Speed isn’t as great as the others, but for common files it’s good.

Just make sure to forward your ports if you use a router, or it’ll be slow as molasses.

Seconded. I’m using Limewire and it works quite well. I just wish it had an “Auto-Seach More” option like Kazaa did.

What the hell is a UseNet Forum?

Er, out of curiosity, I use XP and downloaded Limewire and it won’t run. Help?

It’s a news group. You can read and post to it by means of a Usenet client like Gravity NewsReader.

That doesn’t really mean much to me. Gravity what? Where is this usenet and how do I utilize it?

Usenet is like a big message board. A really, really, really big message board. There are different locations of the board you can acess using different addresses. I listed 3 addresses. Cless suggested a program that allows you to view these addresses. Unlike VBulletin, and other BBS’ you (generally) need a program to access UseNet. Gravity is one of them. (it can be downloaded <a href=“http://www.winplanet.com/file/11436.htm”>here</a>). Sorry, i should’ve been more specific.

soulseek is fairly good for indie rock in general, but it is true… i couldn’t find Suede on it at all.

Huh, kazaa-lite works perfectly for me. Anyway, try exeemlite, it’s at http://www.exlite.net/
It’s the brainchild of the creators of suprnova.org

Just use WinMX. It’s awesome. <s>Link</s> Link.

You deserve to die Setz. Fucking BonzaiBuddy.

And Exlite won’t return search results. :frowning:

Apparently Sloncek and the dev team are trying to lock Lite out of the service, though i don’t know how, because i thought it was completely decentralized.

Shareaza can be very good, (Shareaza 2, that is). But I’ve known it to occasionally put a shit-load of porn into it’s “downloads” file…

Ninten :cool:

Is that a bad thing? :>

What should I download for rpg soundtracks?

Nothing. Get Highly Experimental, then get some PSFs. Legal, and you can get all, if not most of them from ZD. And if you wants PS2 STs, then just google for “PSF2” and you’ll find someone hosting them.

Yeah that’s where I get them, and I just installed HE again like 5 minutes ago. Mind reader. It doesn’t have a couple games that I was looking for (mainly PS2, so I’ll try your suggestion).

edit:arrg where is the suikoden 3?!

It may not have been ripped yet. =(