Optional Walkthrough??

Hey, I’m making the Wind Waker shrine, and I was wondering…

I’ve been working on the walkthrough, and I’m making it a 100% completion guide. However, I would also like to offer a version of the walkthrough for people who just want to do what is necessary to complete the game. Originally, I intended to just put in ‘OPTIONAL:’ before every table cell, but then I had another idea…


Check out the table at the bottom of Hiryuu’s shrine, with the green and red background. I thought maybe I could use a different background color depending on whether or not that piece of the walkthrough is optional.

Of course, even if I did use this method, I would still have to do something else on the pictureless version of the walkthrough.

Any ideas on how this issue should be handled? Thanks in advance.

You could use the same tactic whether there’s pictures or not. You can use CSS to change the background color of a block of text, e.g.

[span style=“background-color: #00f”]text[/span]

Or better yet, make a CSS class and style different text differently.

Thanks for the tip! I’ll post again after I check if it works or not

By the way, how many different-colored backgrounds does RPGC have?

Three or four, I think. They’re all in the same folder on the server, so you can just browse it.

At the risk of sounding stupid, I can’t find the greenbg or redbg, just the ones in the main image folders. I mean, they’re in the PM2 folder on tartarus, so maybe Cless created them himself. I guess it doesn’t matter, though, since I’ll have to move the image to my own folder anyway(?).

Also, are the brackets in the code you gave me supposed to be ‘greater than/less than’ signs? Thanks.

Oops, somehow DPed. Sorry…

At the risk of sounding stupid, I can’t find the greenbg or redbg, just the ones in the main image folders. I mean, they’re in the PM2 folder on tartarus, so maybe Cless created them himself. I guess it doesn’t matter, though, since I’ll have to move the image to my own folder anyway(?).

Also, are the brackets in the code you gave me supposed to be ‘greater than/less than’ signs? Thanks.

Yeah, those aren’t official backgrounds, they apparently were made by Hiryuu (or whoever did the shrine). You can copy and paste them into your owns shrine’s folder.

Yes, the []s are meant to be HTML tags, they just won’t show up if I do them directly. ^^;

Hm, well, I implemented the new codes, which failed spectacularly. Not really sure what I’m doing wrong. If it’s not too much to ask, could you check out the files yourself. They’re located on the tartarus server, in the ‘zeldaww’ shrine. Check out the 09voyagetodragonroost files–there’s a pictureless and picture version.

Really appreciate it. Or you could view the source of the pages on tartarus–they are uploaded.

I think the problem is that you’ve already given your table a specific “class”, so it’s overriding the individual TD backgrounds. Instead of the current code, try this:

[td style=“background-image: url(‘greenbg.gif’)”]

As for the spans, firstly, CSS is usually written all in lower-case, not upper-case. I don’t know if that affects the style or not. But in any case, your code has a " inside an existing ". Try this instead:

[span style=“background-image: url(‘greenbg.gif’)”]

I fixed it up. Take a look if you don’t care and see if that’s an okay scheme to use.


Hmm… I don’t think it looks too good in the text-only version. It’d be better if you changed the text color, e.g. to yellow, and left the background the same.

Done. I hope it looks good now. Thanks for your help, Cid.