Open proxies?

Apparently I’ve got some of 'em on my computer and I need to get rid of 'em. I’ve been told they stem from LimeWire (which has since been deleted), but I don’t know if I’ve closed the proxies (probably not since I’m still klined from a server for them). So, uh, yea. I don’t know what else y’all need. I’m on XP.

What? You don’t have them unless you set up your computer to be a proxy server for someone else. Which you definitly didn’t. Maybe you mean something else other than proxy.

E-mail from an admin

I am sorry, but an open proxy has been found on your IP address.
Please visit for more
information on the specific report and steps to have it removed from
your system and your IP address removed from the list. Once both of
those are complete, contact us again and we will remove the ban from
our network.

I’ve gotten that exact same thing on mIRC when trying to connect to some servers, but for some reason they just vanish after a day or two and the ban is lifted. And then it happens again after some time, and over and over again. Frankly I’ve decided to just ignore it until something new happens.

EDIT: And that link says the IP is already out of the blacklist, you should be able to connect.

I took myself off but am still not able to get on.