omg paragon D:

And once again I’m struck by the char customizability in CoH. :smiley:

Yeah, damn… o.o

I wish I had taken a screen shot of my CoH character. God damn he was so badass. And sexy.

You Spoony Bard! here it is, the beginning of July, several months after your self imposed deadline, and you show us you’ve been playing city of heroes?..Anyway, I thought you said you’d never get into MMORPGs?

Though, that image makes you think that if all the other guys are in there, you could form a mechamation story arc…Then it really would be “online” life.

On a side note, if I ever got CoH, big if, I don’t know what I’d make my character look like… Although, I’ve been watching allot of reboot/DBZ recently (DBZ from boxtorrents, I can’t remember where I got the reboot torrent, but it is the whole series up to the end of “season” 4 where they spit the two movies up into episodes.

How many Anime ripoffs/SSJs have you met in CoH spoons?


Thats just funny :stuck_out_tongue: