Online Life will, expectedly, be down for some time. Even now that RPGC is back, everything was deleted, and I don’t got the connection now to re-upload the entire site. Thus, as soon as I am able to, I’ll set up at least a temp page, and see if I can manage to at least get one or two new comics done by May 9th, at which point I’ll have my DSL back, and can restore OL back to what it was. So sit tight till then, I can’t really do anything about it, I don’t like it much either.
That sucks Spoony, but the 9th isn’t too far off, I can wait.
Not like you have the choice to wait or not, and anyway, you should be well used to waiting by now :P.
Waiting… and waiting… and waiting… falls asleep
man, that sucks.
note to self: what is with me and my post killing skillz?
Why? Do you think we should still have something to say about it, now that Spoony’s gotten over virtually every problem mentioned in his post?
good point.
(man, how many times have a said that?!)