
Their main character will have one-liner zingers such as “omg u kser” “wtf nother rolback?!/1/” and “zeny plzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz” :smiley:

“Heal PlZZZ!” “No.” “Fsuck u!”

That’d happen ten times in every episode, along with the things Cless Alvein said.

I doubt they’d base it on the game though. Unless they think that an anime about lamers and hack and slash would sell.

it would sell in japan… but hell what wouldn’t

Originally posted by Nulani
I doubt they’d base it on the game though. Unless they think that an anime about lamers and hack and slash would sell.


If they do a series, it’ll be based on the manwha.

Actually, they’ve said it will be based more on the game itself than the manwha.

Edit: By they, I mean Gung-Ho or whatever the jRO company is.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Main character: Billy Age 8.