Now this is some hard work for the quest to bash Mary Sues :)

Enjoy. :mwahaha: It even has the name and year of the first appearance of Mary Sue!

When Mary Sue is an original character, readers recognize her by physical description and by certain elements of plot. The classic portrait is Paula Smith’s, who gave her her name and defined her in Trek fiction in 1974: Mary Sue – a beautiful and desirable half-Vulcan – captivates Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, rescues them with a hairpin during an away mission, and – fighting off the effects of the disease which has laid low her superior officers – runs the Enterprise single-handedly before dying, wept over by her agonized superiors. Here is perfection of body and mind, celebrated by those whose opinions are important.

That is actually a very good article.
Pointing out every side of the Mary Sue, including the good ones. (Yes, there ARE good sides too :stuck_out_tongue:
Just read the article and see why the Mary Sue is good, sort of… Sometimes… Still hate it though…)

I love you Weiila.

Mary Sue is, they point out, a writer’s baby-steps in writing.

Now that’s weird because I’m pretty sure I never, ever, did this. goes to look over old stories

This recognition – and the nostalgia factor – may be why Mary Sue is coming out of the fan fiction closet

Watch us try and shove them back in again.

I don’t think it’s Mary-Sues I have trouble with. It’s the bad ones, and there’s a fucking lot of bad ones.::dekar!::

That was a good article. And I agree, we need to get rid of all bad Mary Sues. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever read a good Mary Sue. They must be destroyed.

Great article…wait a second…I’M a Mary Sue! kills self

On the same tangent… whether you’ve seen Weiss Kreuz or not, read this. You’re gonna love it either way.

If there’s no PPC, one have to think of other ways to kill “Mary-Sue Johnson”… other… ways…

“Aya, we’re going to have to make the appearance that <I>we like each other</I>.”
This time, Aya didn’t nod. Nor did he stare. Instead, he froze. All the color vanished from his already pale face. He was like that for several minutes before Crawford was tempted to tug one of his eartails to see if he was still alive.
“…excuse me,” said the readhead quietly. He stood up, walked over to the exit, and stepped out the door.
Crawford sipped his coffee.
All conversation in the coffee shop came to a total standstill. Everybody except Crawford peered in the direction of the slightly muffled scream, wondering what could cause such a thing.
Then there was a series of smashing sounds.
“WHY ” smash “THE FUCK ” crash “DO I ” bash “HAVE TO ” sproing “FUCKING ” phloooph “HAVE THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?!” bashcrashwham
Shortly after that, Aya stepped in the door, his face slightly red and rather bloody. People stared at him as he walked over to the table where Crawford was sitting and slumped into a chair.

Urgh… My stomach is getting horribly twisted as I read this thing… >< Mary Sues are the work of the devil.

Originally posted by Manus Dei
Mary Sues are the work of the devil.

Devil, Chaos, Melkor, whoever happens to be canonically appropiate… :mwahaha: