There’s a siren that’s right next to us, tornado siren. They test it occasionally but in the mornings.
So there is a tornado watch until 3:45.
It’s serious, but I hate that siren. I hate loud noise…
There’s a siren that’s right next to us, tornado siren. They test it occasionally but in the mornings.
So there is a tornado watch until 3:45.
It’s serious, but I hate that siren. I hate loud noise…
Most people hate noise while asleep, just like most people hate noise while awake. There’s no alarms around here, which are likely to start anyway, so I’m thankfully spared from that. I have a cat who likes waking me in the middle of the night, though. I really need to install a cat door in my door.
I hate being awakened by strong noises, and while awake, I can’t stand having people yelling right besides my ears. It’s quite infuriating.
Loud noises irk me.
I’m discovering that most people listen to music at a much louder volume than I do.
So I find myself yelling “turn it down” and feeling like an old man.
At least I’m lucky enough to not have to deal with sirens. Though I do live pretty much under a flight path and close to an airport, so planes do tend to roar by (and they are rather large in the sky, because they’re descending to land at the nearby airport, so they’re flying in low and loud.)
Thunder woke me up this morning… Made me completely disoriented for a while. We don’t get tornados, though, thankfully.
I hate being disturbed. I get really grumpy. It makes me dislike children.
Originally posted by Sinistral
I hate being disturbed. I get really grumpy. It makes me dislike children.
I take it you’re always disturbed then?
So Astral says actually.
They test out the siren around here every now and then, but it’s a ways away.
The only things that usually wake me up are, someone shoving me really hard, and sunlight really early in the morning. I’ve had some really early morning lately, 'cause of my curtains letting in too much light. It is really irritating!
I dislike noise, all kinds. Problem is, though, I’m a heavy sleeper, so it probably would take a Tornado Siren to wake me up. -_-
I’m used to background noise like traffic n’ stuff. But a distinct noise like alarms drive me mad.
Originally posted by Sinistral
I hate being disturbed. I get really grumpy. It makes me dislike children.
I hate being avoked by my alarm clock, at least when I’m sick. I need to find a way to open my window more and amplify the smell from the local bakery. nod, nod
Norway is thankfully spared from most of nature’s wrath: We get floods every now and then and the winds can get quite strong, but nothing truely grand. There is one vulcano inside our boundries, and that is located on the uninhabited island Jan Mayen. We get some minor earthquakes very now and then, one just last year: Our house shaked a little, being located on a marsh and all. That is about it. The local nature spent most of it’s wrath before humans came here. I shouldn’t have said that, should I?
I hear my tornado siren on the last friday of the month. I’m use to sleeping through loud noises.
Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
I dislike noise, all kinds. Problem is, though, I’m a heavy sleeper, so it probably would take a Tornado Siren to wake me up. -_-
Hehe! That reminds me, I once had a weird alarm clock that was noisy as hell. I remember that it used to awaken everyone in the neighborhood, but I was sleeping right next to it and didn’t notice a thing. -_-
My upstairs neighbor is heavy on the noise when it comes to walking (it’s always thud thud thud) and music. Actually, this weekend someone up there turned the music on and had it so loud that things in my apartment were rattling. I was sitting on the sofa, and I was quietly fuming for about 20 seconds, and then I finally screamed at the top of my lungs “For the love of God, turn that shit down!” Right after that I didn’t hear anything else from up there. lol.
I also get noise from drunken idiots at the pool next to my building, and that’s usually around 4 am.
I actually had to be woken up last time we had a tornado siren here- I tend to be a very heavy sleeper when I’m really tired. They actually test our tornado sirens every Saturday at noon, so I guess I’ve kinda gotten used to the sound. Today was fun as 90 mph winds woke me up, yay. It basically looked like a tornado hit the entire city of Memphis.
It’s a good day to live up here. No need to worry 'bout tornados.
Fortunately I’m a really sound sleeper. You could whack me around and have the TV on really loud and I wouldn’t wake up. The only thing I know that works for sure is when somebody shouts my name right in front of me.
When I’m awake though, I can’t stand loud noises either. I am hearing impaired in both ears and wear hearing aids. As you can imagine, if something is loud to me, it must be really loud to anybody else. I don’t go to dances often mainly because I get headaches from the loud music. Well, that and I really can’t dance :hahaha; .
I’m earing impaired, as well, bordering on deaf. Problem at birth, long story. I can’t hear things unless they’re fairly loud, or if I strain to focus on it.