Not that you guys care.....

No, violence in videogames is a rising issue that needs to be addressed. Did you know that nowadays children are being raised as killers for the army with free “killing trainer” software that you can download for FREE called America’s Army?! This needs to stop, think about your children’s future.

I see your irony, but I also know that there are lots of moronic people capable of creating a site like that. If it’s real, please post it on the main forum, because this deserves some good [STRIKE]bashing[/STRIKE] discussion.

He’s 16. He doesn’t have children.

Naw, its fake, but people fall for it every day cause its made as Satire against that sort of organization. I’m buying one of the shirts.

So what you are saying is that a 16 year old doesnt know how to offer candy to a child from his car? I mean, he IS 16 so he can drive… Shit, all he needs is a van and a lolipop and he’s ready to get himself a good girlfriend to train into a REAL WOMAN!

:slight_smile: But my methods are labled “illegal” by modern society… Oh well.

  • Looks at new avvy * Dude… that’s just…

See kiro, we do care about you. Not your mangas though. Muah ha ha.
Aw Izlude, I wanna see 'em bounce.

But that would go against the whole no nudity thing…

besides, this is less revealing than most video games, I mean look at Lulu, you see more breast with her than in my animated avatar!

This is disturbing…and I’m 11 not 10.

Don’t be. You can start being disturbed when the van with the candy pulls up. Yeah, I’m lookin’ at you, Izlude.

Well, he did promise nude Cammy at 1000 posts…

Happy birthday :moogle:

You’re a bit late there Mew…

Yep he is, and stop trying to hit or whatever it is you’re doing on an 11 year old.

Stop freaking her out? Aww…but it’s fun.
Yeah, yeah fine, I’ll stop freaking out the kid. Nark

Not you, you’re okay Darkness. It’s Mew.

Mew… hahaha! I’d rather stop here and make fun.

You have now officially disturbed me. That’s just plain wrong.

Too much pokemon for mew has given him the unusual ability to be attracted to 10 year old girls.

Kiro, how about we go out on a date on halloween

Okay, that just twisted me too far.