No damn hacker is keeping me away from my belated birthday thread

Yes, I know my birthday was July 24, two days ago, but due to some stupid lamer who had some free time away from preschool decided to ruined it, I wasn’t able to have a birthday thread posted. So instead, I will eat the hacker brains and celbrate my mukday two days late on the board. So get the party hats and moogles with spikes on their heads and celbrate my 21st birthday.

P.S. I am not drinking, so don’t bother asking me for any beers.

happy birthday rirse-daddy.

Happy Birthday Rirse, Enjoy your <B>X-BOX</B> and Star wars: Knights Of The Old Republic! :slight_smile:

“/me puts a spike on his head”

Happy bday, Rirse!

Happy… stuff

sings Happy Birthday

You’re not drinking? Dude, thats a waste. You only turn 21 once, might as well get smashed.

hapy birfdey.

Happy B-day, man. Sorry it’s belated.

Happy Birthday!

Happy BDay, Rirseish Person, Hope You Had fun.

Happy belated birthday Rirse!
I’m sort of proud of you for not doing the drinking thing. Once you get there, you can do it whenever you like, so it’s not really that special anyway, lol.

Good for you for not drinking. Happy birthday.

I already told you happy birthday, but I suppose I could tell you again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy birthday. But if you didn’t get drunk, I hope that you at least gambled or did something 21-ish! :stuck_out_tongue:

yo bro, how was your birthday?

hope it was great!

happy belated birthday Rirse! :slight_smile:

When I turn 21 Im gonna get alcohol poisoning. I know it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you got that before you turned 21, Sorc.

Anyway, happy birthday.


does the happy belated birthday dance