Nintendo DS. Y/N?

LocoRoco, Katamari, homebrew and emulation. PSP for the it doesnt suck.(Notice I’m not bashing DS, I have one and love it as well. Actually, for just pure gaming, the DS is probably better. Except you can play all those old LucasArts adventure games, including sam & max on the psp.)

The only problem about the emulators for the PSP is Sony…who keeps releasing firmwares to block people from playing them. Wouldn’t be so bad if they keep on forcing you to upgrade your firmware when they release a new game.

To hell with everything but Nintendo, get Nintendo!

There is actually a homebrew scummvm implementation for the DS

I want a DS. ;_;

There are ways around that >_>

FYI, I have no interest what so ever in getting a PSP. I’m about to go pick up the DS now, I hope. I just need to get dressed. :3

Awesome, I suggest Mario Kart if you can play online with people

DS purchased. Got Mario 64 DS in the bundle. Been playing it most of the night. It takes a bit of getting used to with the touch screen and all but it’s great.

I’ll likely get Animal Crossing later, but for now I’ve placed a bid on “Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town” for my sister to play. :slight_smile:

Dude, try Harvest Moon yourself too. You’ll probably steal it from her. O_o

Just remember to <A HREF=“”>watch out for viruses</A>. <A HREF=“”>Same goes for you PSP owners, too</A>.

<A HREF=“”>The same information in Trend Micro flavors</A>. <A HREF=“”>PSP one, too</A>. Trend Micro actually has a fix for it, too, so no more sending the system to Nintendo for them to accuse you of piracy and not fix your DS.

That the first time I heard of viruses hitting both systems? Where did you hear about this, Mr Saturn?

I’m the one that introduced her to the Harvest moon games, Ramza.

You won’t regret getting a DS. I never did.

I eliminate viruses for a living. I hear about every virus as they’re announced. These viruses have been around for some time. Unless you’re trying to hack your system, you won’t be getting either of these.

And they’re different viruses, not one that attacks both systems.

Ooh. I didn’t realise that there was a DS emu around.

Also, nice tips on removal from the the Symantec site.
“Disable System Restore.”