Scroll down a bit.
Scroll down a bit.
Yes! It’s not online, I’ll be able to play it. OWNAGE.
Sweet gamergasm.
My clean pants, oh my!
Mmmmmmmm new Mana… This is almost like a dream coming true. =o Now if Nintendo makes a new Earthbound, my life will be complete and I can die a happy gamer.
Frighteningly enough, I agree with you Eden.
Holy woah, look at that art :3
@eden: Theres a new mother coming out for GBA, Mother 3. Its not bundled with the Mother 1 + 2 package, as i incorrectly said before.
Some feelings are beyond good and evil. =o
dies happy
Yeah! That’s awesome, it looks… almost exactly like the one in LoM ¬_¬
It was announced at the same time as Mother 1+2, though. Unfortunately for us all, there’s been almost no new information about Mother 3 in some time, and Nintendo’s more or less killed off the GBA in favor of the DS. Hopefully, they squeeze this one out in the clench.