Need help with patching

I recently got a SNES emulator and have been playin the older final fantasy games. Ive reached number 5 and looked for a english version but i couldnt find one. I then found a patch and a IPS patcher program to attatch the patch to the SNES game rom. The several times i tried(with different patches and roms)the game started and then either jus showed the copyrights and went black or showed the copyrights then freaked out and flashed numerous colors. sooooo i was windering if any one can help me find a program they know works (IPS patcher, patch file and ff5 rom) and walk me through it i would be very thankful.

Get the one called IPS-win and make sure you’re using the right version of the game with the right version of the patch.

Wrong forum.

It’s understandable though, there’s nothing that specifically points to the Main Forum.

Another way is getting ZSnes, unziping both files (The game and the patch) on the EXACT SAME folder, giving them the same name (For example, FFV.smc and FFV.ips) and the starting the game (The .SMC file) with ZSnes. It will do the patching automatically.

You can’t request ROMs here, but patches are fine.

One thing that bothers me is that when patching failed for me, the game either didn’t start or started just fine in Japanese. You are completely sure neither the ROM nor patch are corrupt?

Download <a href=“”>this patch</a>.

Unzip the patch, and if zipped, your FF5 rom. Just put them in the same directory.

Download <a href=“”>this patching utility</a>. Just put it in the same folder as the rom and patch for ease of use.

Fire it up. Select “Use IPS”. Select the patch. Then, select the rom to use it on (in this case, your FFV patch and your FFV rom). It should be patched now. Exit the program, and load it up in any SNES emulator you wish to see it working. Feel free to delete the patch file.

And uh, guys, main forum?